Still impressed

Great. Now I got to figure out what I’m going to do with 80% MPCNC parts lol.

I was looking at this.

I was doing more reading. I missed where you mention M4 for laser and M5 for regular CNC. I guess I’ll uncomment the laser portion and just add M5 to my start GCode? Then pin 27 for the laser (activation)?

Without a direct wiring diagram I’m an idiot lol.

I guess I’m in search for or need to design a Dewalt router and laser mount.

BTW I just returned the Masteforce router I mentioned earlier. Do Not recommend that to anyone. The runout was horrible.

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You are going to want to take the router off when using the laser. Get rid of the weight to move faster.

Combined beams can make for a larger spot size, so you gain marginally more cutting ability and lose etching resolution (sometimes) if it can turn one beam off then you still get good etching. The others will be able to recommend a good laser, They have used tons of them. There might be a few lists if you poke around a bit in the forums.

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Thank you so much for taking the time for the advice. I really appreciate it.

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I am just reviving by MPCNC for plotting and later maybe laser use. You can’t have too many CNCs. :smile:


I might keep going with it. See which one I like better and what ones more accurate for different things. Idk. I had so much fun building the LR3. Im sure I’d have just as much fun doing the MPCNC


How do I do this? Do I name one config.yaml and the other something else and just rename them and reboot the board?

I have config, and a configlaser. In the settings panel it asks what your config is called, just change the setting and then completely power off the board and restart.

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Genius. Thank you.

I spent two hours last night messing with the laser and couldn’t get lightburn to get past a homing error message. When my non laser config file is loaded it doesn’t have an issue but once I uncomment the laser portion of the config file and load it, then lightburn gives me that error message. I’m still digging through the forums to find my answer and figure it out. I’m going to give it another honest try tonight before I give up and beg for help lol.

P.S. thanks for the heat sinks.

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digital1_pin: gpio.27
digital1_pin: NO_PIN

That got rid of the error message for me since gpio.27 is used for the laser.

Agreed. A good check is $ss, then take a look at the first part of the output. It will tell you if there are any config errors.

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I will do this as soon as I get home. Do you know if I need to uncomment the PWM section as well or just the laser section? Thank you so much.

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Just the laser section.


Thank you Britt I’ve gotten it to home now. I can get the laser to fire and move the machine around. I’m having this weird issue when I run a test burn. I’ve got the machine settings plugged in with my x and y dimensions and my origin as front left (this is on a LR3). It homes correctly and in lightburn the display looks correct with my origin and everything but when I hit frame or run, the machine runs off to the back right and then errors out telling me I’ve hit the soft limits. Even if I change my machine origin to the back right it still does the same thing (I was hoping i could trick it to thinking it was opposite just to troubleshoot)

Have you had this issue? Thanks again for your help.

Did you click the ‘Set Origin’ button before running your project?

I have yes

Did you change the machine size in the lightburn settings?

You have the Job Origin set to the lower left and Start From: Current Position?

Does it show the little green box in the lower left of your project?

The green box only goes to the lower left corner when I select absolute coordinates. Current position puts the green box at the lower left of the text box I’m test cutting.

I just successfully cut it with me manually jogging the laser over to the middle of the board and setting the clicking set origin when over the workpiece.

I’m getting somewhere. Does the job origin always have to set to current position? I thought I could start from 0,0 (home) and go from there but that clearly isn’t working for me.