Stepper strange happening

I don’t use TB drivers, but that seems wrong? They at least need to be wired to force enabled.

One of the assumptions is incorrect, because you say you have tested everything and checked the wiring. I’m trying to be helpful. So don’t take that the wrong way. All of your knowledge says it should work. So you can test the subsystems (like with the multimeter) and test your assumptions.

I will add that it is not magic. There is a reason it isn’t working. Worst case, we can narrow it down to a component (like the driver) and replace it. But this can be fixed.

No, they don’t. I am using the TB6600 as well and if you don’t connect the ENA, they are always enabled. Don’t want the machine to falll down, so better safe than sorry. :smiley:

No offence taken Philipp, I know you are trying to help.
Okay, the latest is that the drivers are no good. I bought a batch of them a while back and never used any of them.
Today I got the only spare one I had left unused and wired it up for a single stepper motor with a new Arduino Nano and programmed with Estlcam.
I wired it up as specs found on the Internet just to be sure and checked several sites to validate the information.
The wiring specs were the same as I have been using, so a new test with a new motor, a new TB6600 driver and a new Nano should be the best way to check out what I have done on the full system.
It didn’t work! Looks like I have a dodgy set of drivers. The drivers on the full system only part work, and the new unused one doesn’t work even partly.
Here is the wiring that I used for testing.

Your test wiring doesn’t match the estlcam documentation!
You appear to have have step and direction miswired between driver and arduino.

Yes I made a mistake on the drawing, but not the wiring.
I just wired up TB6560 driver the same way I wired the TB660 and it works, so there is the problem with the TB6600 drivers

Corrected drawing

That’s Jeff. :sweat_smile: