Stepper not working on homing

Beginner her… i have just tried setting up my MPCNC skr 1.2 with TFT35 V3 E3.
I can move the x and y axis on there own buy 1mm,10mm and 100mm with no issues but when i go in the home options… it aggressively vibrates and seems like only one stepper is moving. this is for both x and y. Does anyone have any solutions ?

The usual cause is a wiring issue with one of the endstops. This could be a connection issue with the wiring, or you may have incorrectly wired the endstop.

The V1 maintained firmware expects the endstops to be wired normally closed meaning the circuit is complete when the switches are not pressed. If the circuit is broken for any reason, the firmware believes the motor is in the home position. If the circuit is broken on one side and not the other, then one motor will stop/halt while the other will fight to seek home.

The quickest way to figure out what the firmware is seeing is to send a M119 g-code. This can be done from the terminal on your display, or it can be sent from a g-code sender like Repetier-Host.

You can not use the home all button on an mpcnc, you do not have a Z endstop. You can home x or Y but not all or Z.

Test your machine with M119, or run the test crown.