Thank you. It shouldn’t shake, did you glue and screw the corner block and feet down?
I’m building one of this amazing CNC’s. I’m on a electronic phase (previously I did a Cyclone PCB engraving using a 4988 + Ramps 1.4).
On this CNC I’m using a DRV8825 steep drivers on RAMPs 1.4, as recomended, but I have some questions.
I did a comparation of the pinouts between the A4988 and DRV8825 and i found some differences:
a) On Ramps using A4988, nSLEEP and nRESET signals are just conected together --> on DRV8825 Polulu manual, the same signals must be connected to VDD +5V.
b) On Ramps the VDD is supplied to A4988, this pin it’s a nFault signal on the DRV8825 (output signal). That means we are connecting a output signal to a VDD.
Could you pls confirm if I need to do any rewiring/cutting on Ramps, to use the DRV8825 instead A4988, or it’s just replace one by the other?
Thank you in advance.
Where is the stepper spec sheet? Just got all my electronics in and wanted to get started on it. You were out of stock on the arduino/ramps kit so I had to order from Amazon. So mine isn’t already setup. Of course, you were back in stock a couple days after I ordered. That’s my luck.
And in the RAMPS Wiring page you have a link that is not found. Is that no longer relevant?