Status on Lowrider 4

The LR V3 nailed it! That’s a nice machine! I’m lil’ sad to dismiss it…


Those look pristine.

That 6083 plate is wondrefull, the surface is polished and it cuts good.
Now I’m building the bigger V4 to replace the woodworking V3, than I’ll build a small, enclosed V4 with a VFD Spindle controlled via 10V I/O module, compressed air and vacuum controlled with relays, and probably the Predisposition for the 4th axis. I’ll share all the details about the build in a post as soon as I start


Another weird clown murderer or whatever :wink: enters the world! Printed great in elegoo pla pro.
10h21m on elegoo neptune 4, perfect thanks to calilantern!


I ended up doing what calibration I could with Bambu Slicer and the P1S and got a better score. I guess we’ll call it close enough.


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That’s almost where my modified ender 5+ started out at. What were your original #'s like?

I’m printing the new version this morning and hopefully get pretty close

They’re further up in the thread. I can’t modify the ZY or ZX skews as the firmware in the Bambu Lab printers don’t support it. Status on Lowrider 4 - #1082 by Pebble

I just printed a calilantern on my Ender3 that just finished and I’ll see what that one comes out to. I did a fair bit of calibration with that one and I printed the entirety of my LR3 on it (other than strut plates where I used my CR10). I’ll be sad if it beats my P1S.

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It seems like Bambu is slightly willing to listen at least. I wonder if enough people request to be able to calibrate it they will add it to firmware or something. They added the XY skew compensation. Nothing to say they wont for XZ or YZ.


Interesting to read your experience. I’ll print the calilantern on my p1s tomorrow and see what the state of mine is.

When people start showing them how there printers arrive and how easy it is for them to fix it they might pull in the changes. They use MArlin as their base it is assumed they just need to uncomment one line and enable it with a firmware update. I just did it to 6 of my printers. Same as the XY.


I was thinking the same thing - wouldn’t the user be able to get the source code from GitHub, and enable the skew settings themselves?

It would take a bit of knowledge of editing and compiling Marlin, but I taught myself how to do that in about a day (thanks to resources here and elsewhere on the Internet), and I’m not the sharpest tack in this particular drawer.

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None of that for Bambu. All closed source


That’s why you get a Prusa. :yum:


I need help with LR4 printed parts pricing, please.

lr3 parts were

$172 with a tool mount and XZ plates.
+$12 for a jackpot box
+$79.99 for yz wood plates.

LR4 parts take longer to print, do not need YZ plates, have PETG tool mount and TPU bristles, require a larger shipping box (+$8 above LR3 shipping, US shipping is included international the US shipping cost is deducted from actual shipping, so either way it need to be factored in).



LR4 also requires more filament. I think people would be pleased if it was the same price, and maybe surprised if a few dollars cheaper. Seems reasonable to me.

I would suggest also listing the “core only” option. Not sure how popular that was?

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On this one if you can’t print the core you can’t print the YZ plates.

I will offer tool mounts and TPU bristles separately as well.


I think $259 sounds like a steal. Since it is more filament and more time.

I also think you should offer, Core/YZ Plates/End braces/Tool mounts in “fancy” when you get done with your testing.

And a “tpu skirt” refill option as well. People are going to tear them up and need replacements. And see a lot of people still dont want to attempt to print TPU

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Fair enough. I was thinking more of length of print vs print complexities. The core takes 21.5 hours on my MK3S+. The YZ plates are 13.5 hours. So maybe the “big pieces” package. Or its not really an issue and we can see if anyone reaches out.

Offering TPU bristles is nice because people might not want to buy a roll for a tiny print.

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Oh great idea and solves what I just posted about.


Well I misread the measurement chart on the calilantern so I’m reprinting again with slightly different adjustments for scaling and skew. I read the chart as if it was looking from the top not bottom.

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