Starting Gcode issue on Jackpot

I’m having difficulty with the following starting Gcode on my MPCNC with a Jackpot board.

(Project Doily SVG file with 30 Degree Engraving Bit from IDC Woodcraft)
(Created by Estlcam version 11 build 11.245)
(Machining time about 00:57:45 hours)

G38.2 Z-80 F200
G92 Z0.48
G1 Z10 F900

G00 Z5.0000

I am getting an Error 2 - Bad Gcode number in SVG file. line 8

How do determine which is line 8? There are several blank spaces before the code begins. Are these counted as code lines. Regardless…I can’t see anything wrong.

Where are the errors defined? Is there a file defining the errors.

Line 8 is G92 XO YO

Those are capitol O, not 0.

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That is O, not 0

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The program is trying to give him hugs and kisses…

Talk about rookie mistakes!!!

Sorry I bothered you with something so simple. I have been looking at this since 10 am this morning.

Thanks for all your help. Until my next stupid mistake…:slight_smile:

It is this sort of dumb reason I post here first…then take a second look. You will see I have a bunch of follow up replies to myself…“never mind I see it now”…

We will not make fun of you for silly mistakes…I will make fun of you for not coming here earlier though!!

We need an auto GCode detector that will auto format GCode to Preformatted text, that will make the difference between ‘0’ and ‘O’ more noticeable lol…or a better forum message font :slight_smile:

G38.2 Z-80 F200
G92 Z0.48
G1 Z10 F900

G00 Z5.0000
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Yes, this!

If the prefomatted text would display slashed zero ‘0’ then this would be very obvious.

There are many, many more folks that read the forums than participate. I’ll bet there’s at least one other person who will see this and a lightbulb will go off in their head explaining a problem.

So it’s good to post and ask for help, even for a simple problem. Simple things have kicked all our butts at some point along the way.

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You’re literally the 2nd or 3rd person I’ve seen in the last couple days with the exact same error. You are not alone… Even when you get kind of used to Gcode, you make errors and need fresh eyes to catch them.

It doesn’t help that the “O” key and the “0” key are so close together on the keyboard. I’ve made errors that way before myself.

I think the preformatted font does differentiate, but the human eye can still skip over that error.

Thanks for all of your positive support. I looked at that for hours and never saw the error. My last resort was the forum which continues to pay unexpected benefits each time I use it. I just wish I had the same expertise that many of you frequently display in your posts.