I picked up some 3/4" MDF and around 40 - 10-32 t-nuts to make a spoiler board. My full motion from X0,Y0 is 630mm. Is there a spacing recommendation for the t-nuts? A good start point (like an inch in from XY0)? I’ve never used t-nuts before but I’m assuming I can just cut down the thickness of the flange and hammer the nut in. No worries about the nail on portion damaging the MDF?
Mathias wandel always predrills holes for the 4 little spurs, but I haven’t found a need for that. You will want more thickness than you think, because they don’t sit flat. You will also want them under the board, otherwise, they will easily pull out.
As for spacing, it will depend on your clamps. You will want to reach anything you want to clamp comfortably. You also probably don’t need the whole array. I was thinking I would do them along the x and y axis, and then at 45 and 60 degrees or something, but since it is a machine making the holes, you might as well let it to all of them.
Yeah makes sense. I was definitely going to put them on the bottom so it’s good to know to countersink them a bit. For the clamps I was going to design and 3d print some. Not sure of people are having success with that or not.
What kind of machine is this for? An MPCNC?
Yes, that’s right.
After much searching I found a local place that sells nylon bolts… it’s nice knowing your machine will never run into a steel bolt.
I think the printed clamps will be fine. You might consider cutting a bunch of holes, like 3" apart, on a grid, and only bothering to install the nuts where you think you will need them. In a few months, you’ll know so much more about what you want, and what works.
Basically, your plan makes enough sense to me to give it a go. Have fun!
Sounds good! I’ll give it a go and give updates. Cheers!
Just another data point – I started with mounting points for clamps on a 3 inch grid, then almost immediately found I needed to add 2 holes on a diagonal between each point in order to have sufficient spots to clamp down (using 3" clamps). It’s hard to describe, but imagine a 1" grid, but then only drill out the holes on every fourth diagonal. Seems to work for me…
What’s your strategy for avoiding the t-slot rails when cutting?
They are 1/8" below the MDF that’s between them… Rails are 3/8", MDF is 1/2. I might go to 5/8" MDF if I think it’s a bit too close still.