On my MPCNC I have a 500W 48V spindle that I run at 48V.
The power supplies I use show their voltage and the current draw, so I can see just how much juice the spindle is actually using.
Mostly I’m trochoidally milling 3mm alumunium and at the very most the spindle is consuming 1A to call it 50W. I can’t imagine what I’d have to do to the thing to get it to use the full 500W, probably the machine itself would have would have given up before the spindle did.
Whilst I get there’s advantage in a beefy stiff spindle and the easiest way to get that it to get a bigger one.
I can’t help but wonder if people don’t generally oversizer them a bit too much?
Does anyone else have actual numbers on spindle power consumption?
You are right, well done CAM uses very little power. Just imagine how many people are running 1.5kw spindles and get frustrated when the 2.5kw spindles don’t fit well. They never believe me when I say it is actually detrimental to run that.
Tools are balanced for power and capability, 500-800w is what my designs are made for. The only time you need all that power is when your CAM is a little off and you hit a corner in a pocket for a second, a hard knot in some wood.
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