Speeding up my lowrider 3


I’ve been enjoying the heck out of my LR3, but would like to know if I raise the max speed of the steppers. I have an SKR, and I have each a 12VDC and a 24VDC power supply, with the latter as a future PS for a higher-power laser.

I’m assuming that it’s possible based on Ryan’s initial speed test on YouTube. Would one of you fine people please point me in the correct direction?


The speeds are only for the rapids. Have you maxed it out as it is (without firmware edits)?

You need to be very careful with this, a bit too much and you will skip steps. In the end you only save a few seconds per job but risk skipping a step and ruining the entire job. Feel how much power your axis has right now, what it takes to skip a step…then try it after speeding up.

Cutting speeds are not effected because we just don’t cut that fast.

If you want to play with this you can increase your max feed rates in the LCD (and save to eeprom). Test each axis individually. When you hit a max and skip steps back off at least 20%. At these speeds you lose 90% of your power. If you go fast enough, you might need to start increasing the accelerations to allow you to speed up faster…this will make you skip steps easier than fast speeds. If you want max rapid speeds, you should move to 24V.

My warning to all threads regarding speeding things up is…it is not worth it. Faster rapids look cool, but significantly run the risk of ruining your jobs for literally a few seconds per job, at best a minute or two on a very large job. If you still choose to do it test everything many times and be extremely conservative.


Nope. I didn’t know that I could adjust the rapid travel max. That’s really what I’m interested in. I’ll try. Thanks Ryan.