So getting ready to start my build and find that the hardware kits are sold out. I have looked at the BOM and most is pretty straight forward to locate and purchase separately from Amazon/china express. Some things I’m struggling with as they are listed in the kit very vague ( example is Endstop kit, 5 omron’s & wires, crimps) as i have no idea what omron is or where to source the correct thing. In addition when I find the pulleys for the build some have different ID sizes like 5mm or 6mm i guess for the shafts to insert. can anyone help with a sourcing guide to the hardware section of the build.
For endstops, I use these
I don’t know for sure but I wouldn’t be surprised if the kits were back in stock soon.
Thank you so much. Definitely adding them to the cart. Do you have any idea what the omron’s are??
Flick @vicious1 a message and he should be able to let you know how far away hardware kits are. I’d strongly recommend getting the hardware kit if you were considering it anyway as it’s easy to waste time and set traps for yourself with some of this stuff.
They ran out yesterday evening. I am bagging screws right now. 100 more in stock shorty, as soon as I verify a few more items.
They are a brand of mechanical switch, similar to the ones in the link posted previously. Omron makes several different styles.
Do my Amazon links not work?
I have links, many countries actually. Using my links from the instructions helps by letting me get some affiliate income. Using yours cuts me out all together.
I have also updated the inventory.
I was out of stock for 24 hours. It would have been less but we had a belt issue.
Where are the Canadian ones? The links at LowRider CNC V4 - V1 Engineering Documentation always land on the US site.
Dropped the post to the sheet - apologies.
Not so ‘always’ - on my phone your links take me through the “Change County” flow to the .com site (US). This leads to cut+paste of the product and change back to the .ca storefront - missing the affiliate benefits. No VPN/Proxy and non-corp - same behaviour for Wifi/5G. Not sure if the AMZN affiliates dashboard is showing any signs of drop off?
On my computer they are resolving to Will see what happens at work in the coming days.
I changed the link in my post to yours. I wasn’t thinking about your links when I posted, just offering a solution.
Not a big deal just wanted to mention it.
The links should automatically update to your country. It has to work as some point as I do get affiliate income from a few different countries, nothing like the US links but it does seem to work.
I can try and update any that are not working right if needed.
i just relized that you have links for the shop along with the amazon links. Yes the links work. Thanks for the fast reply Ryan. I’ll keep tabs on the stock update…thanks for all your hard work man!
At least i was so lucky i coud get fulfilled my 2 orders