I’m not 100% sure if he could or not, but that would not really help the situation in general.
Ryan has to document and support what is the “Standard” build anyway. There is no guarantee that everyone will take that theme, and for Ryan to take a custom theme on as standard functionality, there could come a time where he potentially could have to maintain it himself if for some reason Jason wasn’t around anymore.
This, unfortunately, is just the nature of open source. We are all limited by how much work people are willing to do for us, for free, in their spare time.
I did quite a bit of work on the V3 UI and the FluidNC firmware in order to make the WebUI v3 available to us. I don’t, however, have the amount of time required to commit to maintaining it completely.
Jason is also a developer by trade, and there will likely come a time where he either becomes too busy, loses interest in maintaining it, or just doesn’t have time for CNC stuff anymore. He may not, but that’s an assumption Ryan has to make on these things when deciding what to support.
I would love to spend more time doing these types of things, but the list of things I “want” to do and the list of things I “need” to do, are both waaaaaay overcrowded, and I’m waaaay behind on both.
In the end, even if the interface isn’t ideal, it’s much better for all of us to be using the same thing, have it well documented, and all be speaking the same language when discussing it.
If a few say “Apply”, while 90% of the others say “Save”, there will be confusion in conversations/support.