SOLD: For Sale: Set of LowRider v3 (LR3) XZ Plates, Laser Cut Steel

I have a set of laser cut steel XZ plates for LowRider v3. I painted them black. There is no rust. In a couple of spots the paint has been scraped off. They are full of life and could make someone’s awesome LowRider v3 a powerful beast. I cut 1/4" thick aluminum plate, at full depth in single pass, using LowRider v3 with these plates on it, with a full width gantry capable of cutting 49" width sheet goods. The paint was a Rust-Oleum brand oil-based enamel paint.

Note: the LowRider v4 is expected to be released soon, and the fact that I’m upgrading one of my two LowRider v3’s to v4 is the reason I’m selling this set. The other LR3 will remain a v3 and continue in service.

Price: $15 for the set, plus actual shipping price.

Weight for shipping calculation:

The set weighs 2 lb. 7 oz. not including packaging. (They weigh 1 lb. 3.5 oz. each.)

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One other consideration here. If you have plans to build a plasma-cutting LowRider, then a version 3 is tremendous for that (separate from LR3’s great router uses), and that (plasma) is the usage in which one of my LowRiders is going to remain at version 3. So if CNC plasma is in your future, consider picking up these plates as they would serve amazingly for that usage.

These plates are now sold. Congrats to the new owner, Kelly Howell.

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