Smoking Meat

That’s exactly the way I like them man that looks good

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Didn’t know there was a bbq community hidden here :stuck_out_tongue:

So … if that’s atradition… :stuck_out_tongue: grill of the week: small pork roast on the weber smokefire

By the way, if anyone has plans to make a DIY front shelf for a smokefire EX4, that would be great :smiley:
Bent composite aluminium, anyone ?


There are a lot of hidden “communities” around here. Mostly because Ryan wants to keep everything “family friendly” and “PG-13” :roll_eyes: Like there’d be some huge backlash if someone talked about bu… ouch Hey! I didn’t even say anything, yet! Why did you do tha- yow!

Like I said, because everyone is so kind and well behaved, there’s almost no need for full-time moderators, and we can have truly off-topic threads that remain civil and relatively on track.

There, happy? I toed the corporate line for you. Now lay off the joy buzzer.


Just so I can derail my own thread.

I found this jewel yesterday…


That seems fancy for sure.

Does this go inside the threads topic? (Not like ANYONE ever cared :laughing:)

Some of it is actually grilled!


This is at least 3€ worth of crab(?).

We had 25kg for the party. I don’t know what the store price for king crab is in Germany? Would’ve cost us an arm and a leg if we bought it. Very convenient that they are easy to catch if you just know how!


Big YIKES from me… Oooof. Prices in kg are in small below… I’ve never eaten it. One more reason to drive up. I will ask my kids to grow up more quickly so I can leave for a week. :smiley:

I was missing three 0s with my guess. :sweat_smile:


Yeah- it pays of to get them yourself! But not many do, because it can be quite daunting… the travel and equipment expenses is not anywhere near the actual store prices. A win-win situation. Gathering is and adventure and serving them is a suuuper nice thing to do.


ok… Thats AWESOME!!! You Win!!!


Crab loses. :smiley:


I have a similar (but slightly larger) version. I have some stainless steel grates. And they work well. I still keep them seasoned. I only use it for quick cooking of chicken, burgers or hot dogs.

I ordered the parts for the PiFire this morning. I already have the Pi Zero, relay board, and some of the other bits and bobs.

My son likes crab. I grew up catching the small blue-legged crabs in the gulf coast. We’d set traps and wake up to a bunch of them. Then we’d spend the day boiling and cleaning the crab and packaging up the meat for later use.

The only stuff we get where I’m at is all frozen. It doesn’t taste the same.

There’s a restaurant in town that has decent prices on cooked crab. 1/2lb (.26kg) for $16. Full 1b is $26. They have a platter that has 1/2lb of crab, 1/2lb shrimp, sausage, corn, and potatoes for $32. Him and I will usually get that and share it. The shrimp and crab are market price, so sometimes it’s cheaper, sometimes it’s more. My son is 10. He does a pretty good job at getting the meat out of the crab. I usually have to go back at the end and pull out a few ounces that he’ll miss. I ask for 2 bowls to put the shells in. One bowl for after I clean the shell, and one bowl for after he cleans it. That way I can go back through his :slight_smile:


I just ordered the stainless steel grates for this one. The original porcelain ones have cracked coatings and are pretty nasty. I’m not a fan of getting bits of metal/rust in my food.

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Same, except my son likes krab. The dangers of growing up in CA and IA. Although he does have fond memories of the time we visited my cousins on the MS coast when they had a big shrimp and crab boil, and he got to eat some very fresh shrimp and crab (as it was dumped onto the table from the pot). And yummy corn and potatoes (which my youngest remembers more fondly).

Nothing beats a mess of big, fat blue crab claws, marinated in Italian dressing. Like chicken wings of the sea.


We do crawfish boils around here. Same concept. Both of my kids can devour some crawfish.

Surprisingly, the daughter doesn’t care for crab. I keep trying to offer her some, but she always turns it down.

My wife isn’t a fan of shellfish either. Doesn’t matter what it is. Shrimp, crab, lobster. She doesn’t like any of them.


Same. Crawfish and Shrimp Boils for us. You must be from the south LOL

Oh man this looks like fun.
All I have ever caught was some Canadian crawfish.

I use a sliced onion with a fork stabbed in it to clean my grills add a little tallow and it seasons nice too