Slow plunge rate


I’m trying to get an instrument panel out and my set up isn’t working the way it used to.

I have it plunging into the panel and making small holes. The rapids are fine, but the plunge and XY is lower than it used to be.

Here is a copy of the first hole:

;Project MartinPanelCAM
;Created by Estlcam version 11 build 11.245
;Machining time about 00:04:19 hours

M03 S24000
G00 Z5.0000 F400

;No. 1: Hole 1
G00 X40.6841 Y92.9776 F2100
G00 Z0.5000 F400
G01 Z0.0000 F5.000 S24000
G01 Z-2.0000 F5.000
G02 X40.4703 Y95.5228 I0.6279 J1.3343 F15.000
G02 X42.7814 Y94.4353 I0.8416 J-1.2109 F15.000
G02 X40.6841 Y92.9776 I-1.4694 J-0.1234 F15.000
G01 Z-4.0000 F5.000
G02 X40.4703 Y95.5228 I0.6279 J1.3343 F15.000
G02 X42.7814 Y94.4353 I0.8416 J-1.2109 F15.000
G02 X40.6841 Y92.9776 I-1.4694 J-0.1234 F15.000
G01 Z-5.0000 F5.000
G02 X40.4703 Y95.5228 I0.6279 J1.3343 F15.000
G02 X42.7814 Y94.4353 I0.8416 J-1.2109 F15.000
G02 X40.6841 Y92.9776 I-1.4694 J-0.1234 F15.000
G00 Z5.0000 F400

And settings:

Here’s a video:

Where are my setting wrong?

Uh… yeah, that’s pretty much glacial. That plunge of 2.5mm (previous move in Z was to 0.5mm) will take 30 seconds. Somewhere youve told your CAM to plunge at 5mm/minute.

There it is. In the F(z) column. Estlcam thinks you are using mm/s, but the Gcode is jn mm/minute. Under Setup | CNC Programs, change the “Feed Unit” to mm/minute.


Thanks @SupraGuy !

I thought I had set them all according to the Docs, but I missed that one.


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