Skrv1.3 tft28 help!


I’m trying to setup my low rider CNC with the big tree skrv1.3 and tft28 touchscreen. I am struggling to compile the code for this and keep running into errors. I am using tmc2208 drivers. I’m using the 16T Rambo dual end top firmware file and I have changed to LPC1768 and changed the pin configuration and removed stealthchop. What are the things I need to change for this to work? Is there a guide which I could use?

Anttix posted a config here: Error while compiling on SKR V1.3 mainboard

Which firmware did you start with?

I was using the marlin Rambo 16t dual end top firmware but couldn’t seem to compile. Thanks for the link I’ll have a look and get back to you!


Thanks for the link. The code complied but my axis no longer move and it doesn’t home anymore. Where in the code is this stated?

Homing setup is done in the configuration.h and (dual steppers in configuration_adv.h). If you are using the standard (2.0) firmware which i’d assume for a 32bit board. There is quite a setup to do for the Lowrider to get it to run in a decent matter. Since the standard firmware is build for 3d printers.

Do you use SPI/UART mode for the drivers or default step-dir?

Did you alter the stepper driver model in the configuration.h (standard is A4988)

Thanks. I’m using them in UART mode. I will have a look at configuration.h and get back to you If I can’t figure it out!


I’ve got the axis moving although they’re very random. When I press X+, the x and y axis move and it’s the same when I press other movements too? Why is this happening?

Could have many causes, from wiring issues, EMI to wrong “printer type configuration”. We do not have much info to troubleshoot here.