Error while compiling on SKR V1.3 mainboard

Are there any boards that you recommend? In the case I keep having problems with he SKR, do you recommend buying a RAMPS (1.6?) board, a MKS gen L or a completely different board? I already have an arduino MEGA lying around.

I’m guessing that because it is so tightly coupled with the Marlin code, it usually doesn’t get compiled unless it is included in a certain way. Since it’s not included from Marlin, it’s got something out of order.

Just a guess though.

I agree with Ryan that it is probably going to be solid pretty soon. I bet it would work ok if you stayed closer to the “normal” settings, so series wiring instead of dual.

The rambo is great. Ramps works fine, but they have all tried so hard to get the price down they put really crap parts in it. The RAMPS also can be error prone.

I have an SKR 1.3 board and a working dual endstop config for it based off of latest Marlin. I’ll post the configs later when I get home.


What kind of stepper motor drivers and display are you using?

Do you mind sharing the whole firmware folder, so not just the config files? Then I also have the board config files, pin config files, platformio.ini file, etc so I know for sure it should compile succesfully. Thanks!

Try this: GitHub - anttix/Marlin at mpcnc-skr13

It’s currently set up for reprap discount graphical display (touch screen displays from BIQU come with an emulator and cables for this mode) and TMC2209-s. I have also tested with DRV8825-s You’ll find commits from the history that should make it easy to switch drivers by reverting the TMC2209 changes.

EDIT: One more thing, TMC2209 timings are set for 24V power supply. If you have 12V, change CHOPPER_TIMING to CHOPPER_DEFAULT_12V
EDIT2: I do not use sensorless homing because I have physical switches on my machine.


In platformio, I had to manually add the library for TMCstepper.h

This has been a moving target in Marlin from version to version. The TMC stuff comes from other OSS projects and is under heavy development. You don’t need to mess with platformio.ini on the latest Marlin branch, at least not with the version that was latest a week ago :stuck_out_tongue:

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I literally had to do it 2 hours ago when installing my SKR Mini E3. I’m not talking about platformio.ini, I’m talking about the actual editor itself.

Ok, this is a bit offtopic then because SKR Mini and SKR 1.3 are two different boards. SKR Mini has STM32 chip. STM32 support was in a flux for the past few weeks in Marlin with a lot of changes needed to accommodate the new release of the ststm32 base platform. You should never need to add any libraries manually to the IDE. This is what platformio dependency resolver is for. If there is a library missing, it should be added to platformio.ini and the bug reported to Marlin.

I don’t think there is a bug though, something is probably wrong with the setup here (old platformio?). I just built the latest Marlin/bugfix-2.0.x from GIT with a minimal BOARD_BIGTREE_SKR_MINI_E3 config (Serial set to -1 and X stepper set to TMC2209 to make sure TMC support is enabled) and I got no compile errors.
This is the command used to build: platformio run -e STM32F103RC_bigtree

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Fresh install of platformio and updated today. Just posting the solution because I had the same error as OP. Don’t care why, just needed the solution to get back up and running and back in production.

What error did you get? The error OP reported was

.piolibdeps\LPC1768\TMCStepper_ID5513\src\source\TMC_platforms.h:22:22: error: 'LPC176x' has not been declared

SKR Mini uses STM32 while SKR v1.3 has LPC1768 MCU, thus it would be really weird if the error that complains about LPC176x appeared on STM32 platform.

One issue that the 2.0.x Marlin has is that dependent library versions are not locked (yet) so if there is a weird compile error from their latest branch, the first thing to try would be to rename .pio folder (don’t want to blow it away or you may lose a stable build you had before) and rerun the build. This will download the latest versions of all of the dependencies and often errors disappear like magic.


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I noticed from error messages posted earlier that there is a .piolibdeps directory . This was used by an older version of platformio. I’m not sure if it even works with latest Marlin dependencies so I’d update PlatformIO before trying my branch.

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Thank you for the link! Sorry for the stupid question, but how do I download the old files for the DRV8825 drivers? I am not really used to using GitHub. When I go to the link and click on commits, I see multiple commits that have something to do with either the drivers or the SKR board. Should I just download the current, latest firmware and revert all the changes one by one?

Updating Atom and Platformio did not fix the problem, however, the firmware I downloaded from your GitHub page works great! I just had to change default_envs in platformio.ini to LPC1768 and change the drivers from TMC2209 to DRV8825. It compiles without errors! Thank you very much! When I have some more time I will compare your version and my version to see if I can find the problem.

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Sorry for a late reply. This is probably irrelevant now when you already have a successful build but here we go for future reference.

If you have GIT installed then download the latest tree and then revert (by hash) the two commits related to TMCs. From command line it would look like this:

git revert --no-edit 159a9b77c3b0f9e1e7cd47e7fa2f47449b16d42a 0c784235bc2a4f9d6d53ac2d74dc90db5bf94520

If you’re not comfortable with git or don’t have it installed, just download the zip and change the stepper types and directions manually. There should be no need to undo the rest of the TMC config.

hello Ryan, so did you find the way to make it work? I can’t find many info and you have my same hardware: skr 1.3 and drv8825… any help? thanks in advance.

I used the firmware from the github link provided by Anttix and changed the stepper drivers from TMC2209 to DRV8825 driver. I still don't know why my own firmware version won’t compile though.

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first: issues with TT firmware… don’t know why, but with Anttix I managed to build and upload after customization (I’m making the lowrider);

second: issues with TFT28 MKS… I forgot to define 2 ports… now every axis work.


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I been using the SKR 1.3 & TMC2209’s and trying to figure out how to smooth out some ringing & vibes I’m getting in the 3D print by comparing the Marlin settings in the repository…

I noticed you changed the microsteps in Configuration_adv.h… what does that do?