Skr1.3 / tmc5160

Hello, I’m newbie here. I try to build a Firmware for my Lowrider2. But i don’t know why i have alway problem with skr 1.3 / TMC5160. I try with the original Firmware from here or from teaching tech. It failed too.!!Can somebody tell me how can i fix this?Bildschirmfoto 2020-10-25 um 15.57.05|645x500

There are some preconfigured firmwares for the skr 1.3. They aren’t exactly the same as teaching tech. You would need to change the tmc 2209 to tmc 5160. You also need to know the newer firmware for the low rider homes up, but allows a single probe down.

  • start with skr-1p3-duallr2209
  • change the drivers to 5160
  • compile with platformio and vscode
  • move your Z endstops to the home up side (attaching them to the bottom of the Z tubes is a good choice).

They are at MarlinBuilder releases. Rough docs are here:

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Hi Don,
I have a LR2 with dual endstops on the Y and Z, homing the z-axis down. I started with TMC2209s and started dabbling in VSCode- a learning curve at first but got easier very quickly. After 2209s, I swapped these out for 5160s. There are some specific steps with the change on a SKR1.3 board which can be found on the web:

Bend or remove clk pin on the 5160
change the current sense resistor value in Marlin
Enable SW_SPI mode so Marlin can communicate with the 5160s
Change the jumpers so that the SKR1.3 is not using UART mode

These are the main changes

Happy to help

Thank you guy so much for your support.

I’m just starting the firmware portion with this exact setup. Would you be willing to share more specifics on “change the current sense resistor value in Marlin” what value should be set?

This is what I have been running for the past 6 months:

#define X_CURRENT     800  // (mA) RMS current. Multiply by 1.414 for peak current.

#define X_MICROSTEPS   16  // 0..256

#define X_RSENSE     0.075

#define X_CHAIN_POS    -1  // <=0 : Not chained. 1 : MCU MOSI connected. 2 : Next in chain, ...


Hej Mark, can you send your config?