SKR Turbo 1.4 Wiring

I’m trying to wire up a Lowrider v3 with an SKR and TMC2209.

I think I found the right jumper configuration for UART and those drivers for this board below:

A few questions:

  1. Is this correct?
  2. Does anyone have an example of wiring this board up for use with the Lowrider v3?

I’m much better at following directions than coming up with them myself. But if I go no this journey I might make a SKR Turbo 1.4 megapost.

Should I just buy a board that is more supported? When I bought this one the regular boards were out of stock.

The Turbo has not been used so far I think and without extensive knowledge about the soft- and hardware it is hard to get going. I think we have a few Octopus’ besides the SKR Pro 1.2, but that’s about it.
So either you are willing to learn and use google quite a lot, or you just buy one of the supported boards. On my Primo I have the Jackpot and the ease of access makes it pretty great for beginners (though I like my Estlcam board on the LowRider better :P), I can recommend it without hesitation, took me 20 minutes to set up.

There have been a few Turbos. That UART config looks right to me. IIRC, there is even a Turbo configuration, but it may not be well tested.

The turbo is a good board, but I remember it being just big enough for what we needed. Specifically, I think there are only 5 endstops, so we had to do some backflips to make it work.

It can be done. You do have to understand more than if you just bought the Skr Pro v1.2 or a Jackpot board.