SKR tft screen not turning on

I am building the lowrider3 and am currently in the process on closing the enclosure box with all the wiring. I noticed that after I cleaned up the wires and had everything tucked in the SKR screen has stopped working. I plugged the board out and plugged it back and still no change. Did I blow out the screen and have to get a new one or did I somehow trigger a hard reset that wiped out the firware.

How can I test it before buying a new screen?

I’d check the wiring. The flat ribbon wire, exp1 and exp2 probably not so much. The black wires, once I had to open the enclosure up, and that wire to the SKR board, the one wire that is not part of the plugin had came off.

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Thank man. So you are right it is the black wire. I will explain how it worked here in case others face the same thing. So on the black wire there is a separate wire i tried not attaching that wire and this got the screen to work. For some reason that seemed to solve it. After that I make sure to attach all the wires and now the screen seems to be normal


Have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the TFT35E3-V3.0. Some days they work just fine, other days not so much. But, I like not having a computer hooked to it, so I endeavor to persevere.

Waiting to see how the ESP3D wifi headless thing will work out, I so dislike doing bleeding edge.

John have you tried the most recent firmware I set up for the tft? It is the first time I have ever felt good enough to actually use it. I have always used marlin mode. Now that I am using it more I can see I need to edit a few of the settings a bit more but I feel it is much closer than it has been. no errors or freezing.

Was just looking at doing that on these TFT’s. MPCNC #1 runs fine with V.26 old firmware, MPCNC #2 has always had issues with stalling, etc. Checked voltage and amps, all good on both. So probably, unconfirmed, it is something about the second TFT that is an issue
If you are editing, one thing I hate about everything post V.26 is that I can’t seem to find the old “Zero X, Zero Y, Zero Z” touch buttons that were in the older firmware under home button, as I do some stuff origin off the corner, or centered. Also I prefer that old V26 theme and layout, call me old fashioned. So if the V26 theme was a choice on the newer firmware I’d be game to try it.
Still have the 507 and up firmware, and all the TFT screen updates from the start, so I can always go back

I did change the home screen now to have a button “custom” and in there you can easily add any commands you want to your config file.

You can do a g92 for any or all axes…I should actually add that.

I have all of my files start with a g92 X0 Y0 Z0 so I never even think about it. One less thing to forget.