Skr pro + tft35 + wifi?

Hi, I’m trying to get wifi works in my setup,
As I understand,

  • skrpro runs marlin to translate gcode to moves.
    it can do serial with 2 others ( right now, tft, and pc via usb)
  • tft runs a kind of I don’t know what (marlin?) to forward gcode from usb or sd to skrpro
    it can do serial with 2 others ( skrpro and usb )
    It seems I can change “something”, “somewhere” to tell the tft’s firmware to use wifiplug instead of something else.
    I hope to be clear, as I saw in code in marlin, the kind of -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    I found in pin_TFT35_V3_0.H:


  • SERIAL_PORT: communicating with host(Marlin, smoothieware, etc…)
  • SERIAL_PORT_X: communicating with other controller(Octoprint, ESP3D, other UART Touch Screen, etc…)
    #define SERIAL_PORT _USART2 //default usart port
    #define SERIAL_PORT_2 _USART1
    #define SERIAL_PORT_3 _USART3
    #define SERIAL_PORT_4 _UART4

Did I found the right place ? which one should I use in front of SERIAL_PORT_2 ?

The tft firmware isn’t running marlin. It is btt firmware, and we jave edited it heavily to try to remove all the 3D printer stuff and add in cnc specific things. I don’t know if you can use it to add a serial port.

The firmware on the skr pro has 2 serial ports. -1 is the usb. 1 is the tft port. 6 is the wifi. We have it set up to use -1 and 1. If you wanted to use wifi, you’d need to change one of these to a 6.

I don’t think it would be a big deal to disable the usb port. The TFT and the wifi would both be strong enough to do almost anything you would do over usb. If you connected a pi over usb, then you wouldn’t need the wifi.

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