Skr communication

Well it seems it 2 steps forward 1 back finally got the board flashed tft35 up and running now I connect steppers double triple check proper locations try to test movement board only runs one side ,(lowrider3) swap wire locations runs the other side everything is brand new even tried swapping drivers nothing seem to work board is put together just like the picture I’m at loss any ideas or input is greatly appreciated

Good that you solved the problem you had with the TFT35.

We may need some more information to help you troubleshoot.

For starters, in the configuration that you are in right now, what results do you get when moving X by itself, Y by itself, and Z by itself?

Are you trying to move your LR3 from the TFT, and if so in Marlin mode or TFT mode?
If you’re not using the TFT, then which gcode sender are you using?

It may be helpful if you can post a picture of your controller with the wiring as this often times gives us clues to help you.

The most common reason for this problem is installing the wrong firmware. I assume you are running an SKR Pro board. Assuming you have a separate driver on the control board for each motor, you want the firmware labeled “V1CNC_SkrPro_Dual_2209.” Note the “Dual” in the title. If this is not your problem, then, as MakerJim suggests, more information about your setup would be helpful to figure out the issue.

I’ll check the firmware pretty sure I installed the wrong one

I’ll check that pretty sure I installed the wrong one