SKR 1.4 Turbo - LASER PWM issues. Laser only flashes

Hi all,
I used to have a functioning NEJE laser on a low rider 2 with a 32bit arduino copy and RAMPS.

I’ve now built a custom machine with a SKR 1.4 Turbo and modified V1E firmware to enable LASER and everything works except the LASER won’t stay on. Using the Marlin menu, when I switch LASER to ON, the LASER only gives a brief flash. Using the pulse option does the same even if pulse is set to 999ms.

I’ve tried a NEJE laser, a LASERTREE LASER and tried using the WiFi pin, the SERVO pin and the Neopixel pin as PWM’s and/or enable pins and all give the same result. If I had hair, I’d be pulling it out about now!!!

Does anyone have any ideas what to look for? Conflicting PINs? Or frequency or something? (I don’t really understand what “SPINDLE_LASER_FREQUENCY 2500” does anyway!)

I don’t really know much about lasers and Marlin, I run mine from a Jackpot. But I do remember seeing many around here saying that Marlin wont let the laser continue to fire if the steppers aren’t moving. Not sure if that’s your issue or not but figured I would mention it

Thanks. I think that was updated later. If you turn the LASER on in the LCD menu it will stay on so you can focus and position it - at least that’s what it was doing on my LR2 :slight_smile:
I need to upgrade my board because the RE-ARM board would freeze after 20-30min or doing grey scales :frowning:

[edit] My apologies. I now remember that the NEJE has a control board to manual turn the LASER on to focus and position it :zipper_mouth_face:
Trying a quick test file the LASER stayed on - but I did have to switch it ON in the menu AFTER I’d started the print :thinking: