Skr 1.2 firmware update

Okay so i just got back to working on the mpcnc after a break. Marlin 513s is what is on it currently and i want to update to the newest with dual endstops .

Can someone walk me gently through the process as i hate software

Download the dual (or DualLR) from the marlinbuilder releases repository, unzip the file and put the “Firmware.bin” file on a FAT formatted MicroSD card. Put that card in the SKR Pro and power it on.

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Okay so I download it and there is the zip and the bin file so i unzip and add it to the bin file ? Then put on the sd card

The zip inside is the source code. You don’t have to mess with it unless you want to recompile the bin.

Copy the bin to the micro sdcard, rename it to firmware.bin, and then put that micro sdcard in the skr pro (not the screen). Power on the skr pro and it will copy that .bin to it’s firmware in like 5s. Afterward, the file will be renamed firmware.cur on the microsd.

Thank you that was the info I required