Single Continuous Line Drawings

Id be surprised if this hasn’t been discussed before. Apologies if it has already been. Have a quick look at the video. This guy is making a CNC etch a sktech - hes converting images to G-code and then robotically driving an Etch a Sketch. Why couldnt our Sand plotters plot more than intricate geometric shapes - which isnt bad! - Im just trying to get as much out of it as possible


There was a group maling etch a sketches on the fly of people’s faces at open sauce. It was really great, but it required a lot of tooling.

The sand tables also don’t have a negative color. So everywhere has to have some kind of line. That said, more intricate patterns are certainly possible. Anything is possible if someone writes the code for it.

Hi Jeff, Thanks again for all the assistance over the years. Its been a great project to learn from. I have a very reliable sand plotter now so Im trying to push its boundaries as much as possible. I hear what you are saying. The problem reminds me of hatch lines on a mechanical drawing- This is an image of the colleges logo - Im thinking Black could be all 45 deg lines and white could be vertical maybe. If i have to pull my hair out and write some python I will but Im looking at some software called drawingbot v3 that might do the job. Ill certainly post it if I can get it to work and show some results>




Hi. I try the free version but it is difficult to have a good result. Did you find any good configuration.

I personally use inkstich. A free plugin of inkscape. And export it as gcode. It work incredibly well