Silver-Themed First MPCNC - Self Sourced $300 USD

For the Z, you can use a piece of heavy duty zip tie as a flex rod to hold the wire over the center of the machine.

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This is what I did for my cables:

First cut done! Couldn’t access the machine for a while because of COVID and had to rewire the steppers and mount the spindle. If anyone sees any issues with the cut, please let me know.

Possible I didn’t set everything in ESTLcam properly hence some things might be missing. The material was also just styrofoam so some stuff chips away.

Thanks again to @vicious1 for the design! Awesome machine!


Looks sharp, but I can’t tell the scale. Is it the right size? Or, when you command a 10mm movement in any direction, does it go 10mm?

I’m scared that out of all the numerous printers used to print the parts, some will be inaccurate, leaning, or otherwise off, and the final build will be all goofy. I suppose it all boils down to the gantry components. I really doubt that accuracy is evaluated on all of the equipment that is utilized and moved about, as in axis perpendicularity, not just basic tests.

That really shows when folks try to put parts together and they don’t fit. It does happen quite a bit.

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