No risk no phun.
My office today. About 4 hours from home (Vancouver) on Shuswap Lake today or I would be finishing the wiring on Primo.
More snow here today. We had had our largest and our 4th largest fires in CO history this year. I sure hope this snow knocks them out.
Speaking of fires, I don’t think I’ve seen Ryan post recently.
I hope he’s doing OK with the fires in his area?
Whats happening over there?? I hope all are well!!
Several states, California, Oregon, Colorado and possibly more have some serious wildfires burning in their forests.
Yesyes, I know I know. It’s more an expression of worry and sympathy…
Well no “nearby” fires but no sun either. Safe for now! Looks like apocalypse now out there, orange/grey.
Good to hear! Truly scary stuff. Hoping there’s rain in the forecast and good thoughts for the fire crews.
Be safe, Ryan has plenty of parts and support. Praying for eveyone in possible harms way !!!
Hopefully there’s some promise in the weather forecast?
We’re getting some much needed rain. I wish I could send it ya’lls way. 2" yesterday and already nearly 1/2" today. It supposed to be heading out of town the rest of the day.
I had a 4 day weekend, so I joined my parents on a motorcycle trip. I took my daughter. It was her first trip longer than 60 miles. We did around 1300 miles in 4 days.
My daughter had never seen mountains before (she’s 10). This picture is from the trip.
As far as I can tell… dry and sunny with a chance of scorching fires and apocalyptic skys
OUCH! Scary days!
I may never complain again when a little ol’ hurricane comes through.
@niget2002 Beautiful – I haven’t been up there in a long time.
@jeffeb3 Did you get the wind on Monday night/Tuesday morning like here in Utah?
On a more positive note, this is part of why I love living here after living in Phoenix for a decade:
@alcnc As someone who was born in Fremont and with friends and family in San Jose, San Francisco, Sacramento and the Central Valley, I know what you mean. I’ve been following the fires fairly closely.
We get a lot of strong winds here, but I didn’t notice anything this week.