Wow, you are pretty handy with a camera!
I love oregon!
Feel lucky to have such a beautiful and fun distraction just outside the workshop!
I take the camera when skiing or camping so as to not miss the “good light” when it shows itself.
Me too!
Shaneh really wants to live here.20200315_113629|690x255
Are you sure? There is a lot of distortion.
You just have to print it out and curve it…
Or get one of those fancy curved monitors.
They give you special glasses when you move it.
Hey Ryan,
Just uploaded some videos of what I am tinkering with:
Looking for a program that will convert a vector image to a continuous line. Maybe even an electrical circuit layout program that connects open ends?
Maybe a library in Matlab? I dunno
Not as pretty as everyone else’s, this is a view of the mountains today:
I think one of the neighbors put too many chips in his smoker. I can’t see the river and as you can see the mountains are completely invisible.
Here closer to eye candy, Rockaway Beach on t/he Oregon coast.
I grew up in the Portland area,and that view of the mountain is very normal (except clouds, not smoke).
Mine will clearly not be as glorious as the previous pictures, but anyway.
I live in Shanghai, but in a nice and quiet suburb so I have some space , which is quite a luxury in such a crazy gigantic city.
Anyway, my neighborhood looks like this:

Also, the neighbors are always there to enlighten my daily commute
Today in North Yorkshire it’s cold, wet and foggy. This is from taking the dog for a walk earlier today.
The dog didn’t care though…
Is that snow?
Part of the great beauty of this country is its variety. IF it were up to me (and I’ll freely admit it’s probably a good thing it isn’t ), every college would have a course at least an elective and better a requirement that would be a 2-3 road trip around the country. Guaranteed to be an educational experience.
Yep. I made a different random post about it. It was 90+F here on Saturday, 100F in Denver (I live in the suburbs), and it’s going to be 90F again by the end of the week.
90F = 32C
Wow, that’s a very, very hot summers day. We got to 29C and that was the hottest day of the year for us. We once got to 36C in London and had to close the curtains and lie down.
My office view for the day. Drizzle and cold (well, getting colder, it’s more than 20° cooler today than yesterday), and the wall of derecho debris remains… The second wall. The city’s already been through once. That’s the rest of it. We put the chairs out there during the clean up as a place to rest and rehydrate, and just never got around to taking them back to the porch.
I do wish I had my Burly up and running. I would have carved a few slabs from the trees we lost, and made some plaques. But I just couldn’t justify keeping big hunks of tree around for no real purpose. Especially when the wife is currently purging the house…