Shop Towel Roll Holder - LowRider v3 DIY CNC - Easy quick project

If your drawing has layers Estlcam can work with those, yes. :smiley:

Oh, that’s probably why i’ve never seen it then. I use fusion 360 for most of my drawings and I’m a beginner with it as well. If there’s a way to do layers, I don’t use it lol The rare times I use inkscape, i stick everything on one layer anyways :slight_smile:

Good to know though, might come in handy in the future.

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My impression is that even if you have two separate drawings they can be assigned to different layers, so I could have combined my two related drawings into one cut job using layers. My approach of two cut jobs accomplished the same thing, just a different way.

I could be wrong, but that’s my current understanding. There are YT videos showing working with layers. Been a while since I watched any of them.

Heads up, fellow LR3 makers - I finally got the printable files uploaded for my cool c-clip version of the dust shoe main body, which allows me to effortlessly attach and detach my 2.5" shop vac hose!

This was featured in the video linked above. I have modified the OP above with this new link:

• NEW dust shoe for LR3 with NEW retainer C-clip for Vacmaster 2.5" Shop Vac hose - Printables

Obsessively reading every forum post in existence has its payoffs, like this useful knowledge!

Cool thing Doug, I’ll make one once my box o’ rags runs out!