She's a beaut clark

You know when you watch different YouTube channels and they buy some old car and before they modify it. They try to make it work as it is as a starting point…

I have an anycubic kossel and I just barely got it to work a day or so ago with plans to fix it up a bit. This is an unveiling of the first baseline print and it can really only get better from here:

It was so bad it is kind of funny.

And it is supposed to be the millennium falcon benchy.


And that thing can do the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs?!

If it floats it floats lol

But…how? :melting_face:

This makes me think of a quote/clip from the Iron Giant movie:

What are we looking at here, Mr. Manley?

supposed to be this:


ah, got it. I was thinking the top looked like a regular tugboat Benchy, so how could it be off so badly!

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It seems to be under extruding, although there could be other issues too.

the spool got caught up in something as it was going… It is just sooo bad that I can’t help laugh when I see it.

Me too. Like the first 20 layers didn’t raise Z or something…

it really needs supports because the front of the millenium falcon is hanging in space and printing in free space that isn’t a span doesn’t work well.

Nuke it from orbit, mate. It’s the only way to be sure. :wink:
As you say, “things can only get better”!
