Settings with a 2mm pitch Z lead screw

Yes, yes, yes don’t mess with the golden yellow path … but it happened by accident
I sourced locally in Europe, and ended up with a lead screw with 2mm pitch which I figured out was wrong, but it’s there now and I’ve got some things running, so I’d like some confirmation on what other settings I need to change to allow for this lead screw

I’m using Jackpot/FluidNC and have changed:
steps_per_mm to 400
acceleration_mm_per_sec2 to 20

I thought I saw a comment about Estlcam Rapid Z settings also, so I’ve dropped this to 300

This seems to have got me working - but is there any other settings I should be aware of when using a 2mm pitch lead screw on my Z axis?

(If anyone has an EU source for the ‘right’ lead screw I’d appreciate it, otherwise I’ll get one from Aliexpress sometime)


I also went the non standard route of 2mm pitch lead screws, and I am a very happy I did. Honestly not having the gantry fall every time there is not power is so nice. In terms of changes, the only thing I have adjusted is the steps, and has been working fine.

If you’re using a jackpot it might be worth checking


If it’s too high you can get skipped steps.

Just double the steps per mm and youre gtg.

Any view on what “high” would be here?

I did have some weird Z behaviour, where it would seem like the Z would go continuously deeper/lower and not raising between sections, which caused me to explore other settings. Still nervous!

You probably want to start at half the default, maybe a little more but that would need testing.

What I onserver was if the router was on the far left side then x max could raise and lower fine but the weight of the core would cause the x min side to skip steps.