Settings for using Estlcam as controller software?

I just Double Checked I have all 3 Jumpers on under all 3 Controllers I assume My Z Settings May Be a bit off as I have had some inconsistent Depth issues Depth Issues would you Mind Screen Shooting Your Config or do You Have any suggestions on z axis Settings I am using a T8 Lead screw Recently Did the Burly Upgrade


Ugg Just Plugged in Stepper one Plug Off checking pins think I fried something I hate this being half blind stuff :frowning:

You will find my config’s screenshots down this page

I hope you had spare components, they are so cheap that having everything in double won’t hurt…



OK Thanks Figured out if I use Google Chrome it translates to English :slight_smile:

I have 2 new Boards and Controllers on the way will be here Monday

I am working on a Dual Controller Box using DB 25 Connector so I can Switch Between Rambo and Uno have Dedicated PC its Coming along