Setting Z limits and home position Lowrider2

Having spent some time trying different versions of Marlin code, I must be missing some steps in setting up the Z parameters.
Basically, If I select “Home Z Axis” under the “V1 Custom Menu”, the Z axis continues to drive until it reaches the top or bottom of the bed and try’s to wreck itself as this unit has no limit switches. I obviously haven’t set something up correctly or missed a step .
So because I cannot set a Z home position the Z axis is always random, so you cant cut-out or engrave anything. I’ve tried resetting the coordinates (via the menu)… works OK, but selecting Z home drives the unit and doesn’t stop at all, either direction.
The X & Y home settings seem to work, they do however move an increment every time, so if you did this enough times it would reach one corner of the bed and crash.
Any advice please anyone?

Just to add… the board is a Rambo Mini, using 3 of the motor ports, X,Y & Z

The only thing you need to set is where z=0. In most cases this is the top surface of your material. Cuts and engraves then reference this as the start point.

If you’re not using a touch probe this is achieved by moving the tip of the tool down to the work surface and sending the gcode command
G92 Z0

You can do this various ways, through a terminal or have it in the starting code of your files.

Homing requires a limit for it to home to. So if you don’t have a limit switch on an axis you can’t use Home for that axis.

Thanks very much for the quick reply.

More info at:

Thank you very much… it’s the document I seem to have missed!

No worries. It isn’t RTFM. Just a hint for the future.