Setting up estlcam 12 for my lowrider 3

Hey, I’m new to the lowrider and also new to estlcam/,estl cnc . I downloaded the software and tried to set it up as per the v1e webpage but the new version of the program seems fairly different. I am not able to find marlin or unable to set up the machine control. Can anyone lend any assistance as to what I’m missing or what I have to do.

Estlcam 12 is still in testing phase. Probably best to download estlcam11, then you can set up exactly like the docs page and get used to running it before 12 is at final release

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What board do you have? Marlin is here: MarlinBuilder releases

I’m using the skr 1.2 pro

I just ran into the same issue. I hope Christian isn’t dropping support. I downloaded to test it out tonight and paid for the V12 license upgrade now just because I like to support continued development, regardless of whether it ends up including Marlin support. I’m just way to lazy to learn a totally new CAM tool or swap in the mach3 board I’ve been sitting on. lol

any news if he will add Marlin support to V12. I see that is now in beta

I think Marlin was never really added as a controller for Estlcam.

Just the possibility to export code for it.

Now there is no Marlin in the “post processor” setup either. The instructions for KIRI suggest using GRBL instead. We can select that.