Second MPCNC - Metalworking or Laser?

Hi all,

Just wanted to say thanks to the creator of this great product and to all who support and develop it further!

I am in the process of making a second MPCNC but unsure if I want to make it for aluminum milling or for laser cutting and engraving and would like your opinions on your experience with it if you have any. I made a few changes in my printing settings so all the pieces are more accurate. I also purchased the BOCA Bearings because the first machine I used the cheap Amazon ones and regret wasting my money on them but they do the job OK. These precision bearings make a HUGE difference in rigidity and smoothness while riding on the rails.

If I did go the aluminum milling route, I would make random mounts, jigs for PCB board and troubleshoot/repair, and to dive into metalworking.

If I go the laser route, I would make engravings on many surfaces, cut tool foam inserts, and just burn random stuff. The only thing I desire is how difficult would it be if I go the $100 laser route as posted on this website and then upgrade to J Tech in the future.


Some pics of a few changes I made and their output. I added in rollers for the belt to glide smooth since I noticed slight belt rubbing against the roller when moving back and forth. The pulley keeps the belt in track and lowers drag resistance. I had to print “precision shims” to space the bearing away from the roller mount. Overall 3D Print looked much more appealing and much more solid.


About the laser. If you are considering the Jtech, just start there. It is easy and complete. The DIY you still need goggles and time to set it up.

Machine size, personal preference. I am starting to rethink my builds. I am really enjoying having a smaller (steel cutting) MPCNC and a small Lowrider. For the things I do and tinker with that has been the sweet spot so far. I had to build a giant LowRider to prove it out, but for me it was a huge waste of space and 2’x4’ is awesome. So my deciding factor is what I will want to use it for.

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I also had this crazy idea of making a second middle assembly to be opposite of the main one to increase rigidity. Is this even possible or would something conflict? I’ll be glad to try it lol

Hmmm. I am trying to visualize it. I do not think you could make the overlaps work. If you did you would lose a ton of workspace, needing to make it bigger…which in turn will kill some of the advantages of trying to make it more rigid. It would be cool to see.

Is the LCD screen in the shop the only compatible LCD for the MPCNC? I have a spare LCD screen when the RAMBO was in my Rostock V3 3D printer and I was hoping I could use it for the MPCNC. (It’s a 20x4 screen and

I think it would work perfectly, except you’ll need to compile the firmware with the options set correctly for this screen.

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Though I wish I had a second, more powerful laser, I’m pretty happy I went with the jTech 2.8W for the first one. Once I solved the airflow problems (with lots of help from Ryan & friends here), it cuts and engraves great.

A 10W Chinese incinerate-a-tron could’ve blasted through the smoke, and then quickly burned itself out. I probably wouldn’t have learned as much going that route.