
I’ve just started printing the Core, with an eye towards building the LR4 in the Spring.

I’ve scanned the docs a few times, and am a little surprised that there isn’t (or I’ve missed it repeatedly) an overall schematic that shows how the LR is put together, where all the printed parts go in relation to each other, etc. Seems that would clear up a lot of confusion in the builds.

Am I wrong? Is there something out there I haven’t seen?

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You haven’t missed it but there isn’t any confusion either. If there are specific parts of the step by step guide you think aren’t clear let Ryan know.

Personally I managed to build it without referring to the instructions as it was pretty obvious to me what bits went where. I got the order of assembly slightly wrong but it didn’t matter.

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Your best bet is to just read through the instructions carefully beforehand and if there’s anything that stands out then maybe make a few notes as you go. When my dad assembled his there were a few situations where things were ambiguous because he was only looking at the exact step he was trying to do, not the one that’s a few steps ahead. When I did my MPCNC I tried to just figure it out as I went and ended up having to tear parts down and re-do them due to order of operations things.

All the parts are unique and relatively easily identifiable but if you want to save some time later it could be worth labeling the smaller ones, at least. Grouping them by section in the assembly could prove useful, too.


LowRider CNC V4 - V1 Engineering Documentation look no further
There is no schematic because the instructions guide you on how to assemble everything.

And these models are not shared by Ryan you have to assemble your own using the stl files