Ryan, please share design file for CNC table! :-)

“plywood made from”

Meant to say. Edited to add.

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The struggle is real, all the 1/4" stock here, is junk. Unless you don’t mind paying $94 a sheet for something at a specialty lumber yard, you’re SOL here for the most part.

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I don’t know if settling has occurred or sagging or what. I guess I will try resurfacing the spoil board again.

Have you a link to the teases you’re talking about?

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I’m looking for it again. I think it was a thread that was about something else.

Found it. Edited the OP to show his tease. It was found here:

I would be very excited to have access to a plan like this. The single factor that has limited me in using my LR2 has been my table. All the electronics, software setup, CAD/CAM etc presented no problem for me. But I’m not a woodworker and lacked many tools when I built my table. I think it comes down to a quality issue. My table got built but the fine accuracy of the table has a huge effect on the output of the CNC. If you want accurate results you have to be a better than average woodworker.

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I’m a below average wood worker, keeping everything square and tight to mm accuracy is more than my skills are capable of.

BUT I have machines that are that precise so I’m cheating and using spacers cut on my LR3 and 3D printed jigs to compensate. Will it work? Time will tell.


This is the way! I do that kind of a lot, really.

I think a lot of us are in the same boat. I also believe that drives a lot of the traditional woodworkers into the “cnc isn’t woodworking” camp…the understanding that a lot of us just haven’t spent years or even decades honing our skills and collecting tools. It’s great for them, but the rest of us just need to use the skills we DO have (building machines, or even designing them) to the standard that can compensate for our deficiencies.
Long way of saying you have plenty of company here!


Metal everything metal lol
I too am currently struggling with table ideas.
Stand like a moron in my garage trying to figure out. What can I do with all these existing tables and where can I put stuff. I was very close to just doing a in the garage floor mount or in car port.


That table is not functional in any way. It is just an interference extruded sketch. One step above a napkin.

I do want to take it further but I am still pretty occupied trying to get ready for RMRRF, machines to bring, what they will do and how to get them back. Stock up and get in all inventory before I leave and have enough on hand so I do not sell out while I am gone.


Man, we wanna see a V1Engineering Lowrider Table for sure, but get your stuff done first by all means. I can’t imagine the level of stress on you already with the planning for RMRRF and all, while running an inventory based business on top of everything. A table can wait, but you out there broadening the V1 Brand, and equipment, is definitely something beneficial on a much larger scale for you, V1, and also benefits us as users as well. So yea, we’ll be here when ya get back, and when you’re able, we’ll get a table!


The table was the hardest part for me as well honestly. I ended up buying some of those 2x4 shop table hard plastic legs and made mine from. It’s surprisingly flat and ‘true’ considering. But Ryan’s table idea definitely has my mouth watering as that would definitely be something to tie the entire machine together!

I had started working on a design simular to @Mcunn 's portable setup, but never got anywhere with it. It’s still just a sketchup model sitting on my desktop. Turns out it was very simular to Ryan’s idea as well, but I’m definitely no engineer so maybe it would stand? Maybe it would collapse! haha


I get that it’s basically a glorified napkin sketch at this point, but wow, what a napkin sketch! It gets the width and length needed for the machinery to address every square inch of a full sheet, without requiring any sheet good content larger than a full sheet in the making of it. Opens up all kinds of possibilities, including being able to make a more flat, more rigid table by temporary use of a less flat, less rigid table. This reminds me of the concept of a new LowRider with a temporary strut cutting longer full struts for completing the LowRider. This is kind of the table equivalent of that. Given that many who are new to this… struggle greatly with getting the table built, having a design that could be cut on a makeshift table to make a nice table would be a huge step forward for this V1E maker community!


I second this!


On a side note, @DougJoseph I printed your SKR & TFT Case for my LR3 when I upgrade. Beautiful work there my man!

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Lion’s share of credit goes to Ryan! The design when already beautiful when I started remixing. My job was basically to not mess it up! LOL

Speaking of tables… See what we have going on?!


Beautiful kitty! Mine would be on my table if they were allowed at my shop haha


Quick update:

See this thread:

For info on my efforts to nudge along this project of a CNC-cut table for LowRider v3.