"Ron" 3d V5 build


Yeah, based on video clip durations…

  • Spent ~40hrs building on camera, and many hours designing/assembling off camera.
  • Looks like ~30% of that time was marked as fluffs up, fails and troubleshooting problems (e.g. dead CANBus board, and general CANBus setup)
  • ~14hrs was experimenting and making non standard features.
  • Only ~11hrs was spent assembling and wiring up the Core V4 design.

Future build should be way faster with knowledge gained from V4.

So, am more likely to eventually build a V5 than tear down my V4 desk ornament/lamp that happens to print.

Not sure when though, especially if LowRider 4 is available to build soon?

Build the V5 to print the new LR4 parts on……

I printed the v5 parts on the v4, so I think that counts.


I did the same. Hoping the V5 will be up and running by the time we see any LR4 parts. But we will see

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I need just the fan mount for the v5 and I have decided this will be a v5 upgrade of Ernest, my v4.

Ron went from being a delta kossel ultra budget v5 build and now I’ve turned it into an ender -style bed slinger. Makes more sense. It lacks the refined components a v5 would need to really perform.


Just need a few parts like a home-made bed motion system and the x and y mounts, core mounts printed and it should go back together once the new power supply gets here.

I’ll continue with the “slow build” thread… This was just a flash in the pan.