Rocky Mountain RepRap Festival 2023

OCD is down the hall… Anyone who habitually uses “ur” for either form of your/you’re loses a fair bit of credibility from me. The only exceptions I’ll make are for those who are non-English speakers, who have obviously learned from bad sources (or are really trying hard, and getting hung up on pure phonetics), or luddites stuck in some bizarre Stockholm situation with T9 text entry (and then, they darn well better be SMEs).

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I took essentially that same picture of the 5 axis printer. Interesting.

Edit to add- the demo on that 5 axis machine had printed a circular base and a cylindrical center part up as a conventional parts placement, then rotated and was adding blades coming out from the cylinder. Very interesting to watch.

Edited to add the picture:


Seeing the small LR3 running the plotter and the results with the MP3DP V4s with milled panels, I think I need to build an LR3 for myself.

Show looked to be really busy, was good to meet a few community members.

I hope the V1 presence at the show translates into some decent kit and part sales.


Oh man, that’s one of my peeves. If somebody is going to bother communicating with written words, just use the danged word. We all learned how to read, and shouldn’t have to decode silly…abbreviations isn’t even the word, but that bugs me too if they are out of context. Just asked my wife, and she said she wouldn’t have married me if I texted like that.



Voron 24. 8yo for scale

Belt printer. This one looks decent and it was actually printing.

This picture has a robot from star wars, a cyborg, and a printer backpack. And an MPCNC to prove we were there.

It was very busy this morning. There were a lot of people interested in the machines. We were all exhausted at some point from the (enjoyable) stream of conversations.

I managed to sneak a peek at the PB Racers and the drag racers. High energy 3D printed RC is a recipe for some epic part failures. It was very entertaining.

The wifi here was packed. Most of the day, the machines couldn’t connect. There was just a ton of 2.4GHz


Was nice to see some of you in person


Couple of really clean builds. I really couldn’t ger much further down that isle at that time and use my camera. Maybe I can take a bunch of shots this morning.


I was looking on youtube as i know there are a couple youtubers there. Could not find much, but then realized they probably edit their videos.


There were a few cameras around, seemed a bit less than the last MRRF I went to but for half the day we were all very very busy, so I could have missed them. So far this one was a smashing success in my book, absolutely great event.

The crew we have here is so freaking amazing, Sometimes I am talking with someone and just trying to hear the stories they are sharing. There is a lot of quick explainers about the machines “baking soda, instead of sand” or “that is actually a router that can be a full sheet” but then quickly goes into a cool personal story about V1 in some way. Truly amazing experience for me.

I made two very quick laps through it all so I plan on trying to ask a few more questions today. I walked past that little unassuming tiny green 5axis printer a few times heading to the restroom…that is built for a lab to try and print cornea scaffolds for growing real tissue on, I will find the info and link it here when I get home.

I have a video of a printed flip clock/message board thing. It works flawlessly and was humming along all day. Super cool and had that really cool sound. The forums won’t let me post it as a vid.

So far for me, I have been absolutely fully recharged with creative excitement. A few people have walked up and shared ideas and we as a group had a quick brainstorming session about the LR3…in person. Super cool.

And now we have another full day, very ready to go do it again. My voice will probably not make it, but I will try!

OHHHHHhhhhh and I have been printing with a super fun filament. I have not gotten any pictures of it yet. I will remember today, two color and it is coming out fantastic. It is from TH3D, I have two spools.


Is voxelabs there? I have been seeing alot from them. There are a couple youtubers using it. They are out of California and their filament is not expensive. Just wondering. Have fun, and enjoy!!

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Is that belt printer a prototype, or has it been released somewhere? I think I kinda need one…


That cool filament that was being printed on Ryan’s V4 printer was purple and green, and his hemera kept it aligned in the extruder without rotating it.

So, the part was green on one side and purple on the other. I’m talking surfaces, not a randomly mixed swirl of color. I should have taken a picture…

I stared at that dual color part for the longest time trying to figure out how he was doing a multi-color print with only one spool of filament and no MMU or such. Then he pointed out to me that the material itself was dual-color, with half of the filament one color and half the other, split lengthwise.

Also, watching the V4 level and start a print- I need to get my butt moving and make progress on my build. I always spend the longest time trying to get things properly squared, and it seems using the panels like that latest V4 build would really help make that process work.

I don’t know how many hours I’ve spent on my TAZ doing alingments. It works great for a fair while after doing that, very repeatable without any adaptive leveling. But tortuous labor to get it all set up right between long runs of effortless service.

The super long bedslinger TAZ pro in Ryan’s picture above was interesting, it seems almost impractically long- but then again my own ancient TAZ 5 has proven to be a workhorse once I realized that it was truly necessary to fully align/square/tram/calibrate it.

I hope day to of RMRRF is as energizing and productive as Day 1 was for everyone there.




What a great bunch!!


It was nice meeting ya’ll this afternoon. Thanks for the stickers. I’ll be putting some on my build.
Ryan, I’ll create a post for my LR3 build.