Rocky Mountain RepRap Festival 2023

I’ve started a playlist on the Rocky Mountain RepRap Festival channel called RMRRF 2023 and its public, hope it works out.


That is great! It isn’t showing up in any searches, can you post a link?


Most of us didn’t see any of the behind the scenes stuff, but even if you left it as is, with the amount of contact you gave to everyone, it’s pretty perfect as is.


try searching RMRRF 2023

Official RMRRF youtube channel isn’t showing up in my search results. has links to FB and but no YouTube link doesn’t work, maybe it should… :slightly_smiling_face:

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its @rockymountainrrf on youtube. i can’t add links apparently



Thanks, I have not seen at least half of that playlist. I really appreciate it.

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Thoughts on different types of playlists? :slight_smile:

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I can work on that as time allows, really busy with work lately


I’ve just gotten back to this today. So much good stuff has been said, of course, but my offer of $0.02 is that 1) if invited again, I’ll REALLY focus on finished work examples. This time, I mostly had test pieces, etc. There is much more possible, just as the 3D printer booths had tons of finished pieces. 2) I would have some partly assembled subassemblies. I suspect that for the average visitor, it’s tough to wrap their head around how this whole thing works. As an example, consider the substantial interest in work holding and artwork prep. We take that stuff for granted but, it’s actually really important. And 3) I would have a “demo” schedule. We’d have to think about how to pull this off, but I’ve been to many woodworking equipment shows through the years, and one of the MOST popular elements are the scheduled demonstrations. We’d only need to do 2 or 3 a day, with each lasting 15-20 minutes, but they would draw a crowd of interested people. And, it could be accompanied either by a video or coupled with a live camera feed of some detail and a large-ish display. (Which I can bring! I also have a battery operated PA system to help with sound.)


Absolutely 100%.

I would love to do a few demo cuts. I have been doing a few 4 minute cuts today. That would demo a lot. It also takes some sort of sound deadening box, and a vacuum. If I do a local show…probably doable, but shipping is a bummer.

I think a few good videos on display would work almost as well. Just like having something to put in the hands and point to a video could do that. I need to get a playlist or something to bring next time.

Yeah, I have all sorts of things I would like to do different. I am heading to MRRF I think, so about a month to get me stuff together. Traveling with large machines is a bummer.

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But, if the travel is only 10 minutes, it’s not so bad. :smile:

Let’s stay in touch on this. I think a short demo on aluminum would be awesome. I have some ideas for the enclosure. And, the equipment to test the effectiveness for sound suppression.



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I just subscribed

Hi all - I came across your little adventure to RRF and am loving these post, from start, to end it was obviously a great time had by all.
All the videos have been great, I hope you can all get back next year.
From what I can see from feedback, Ryan will have a lot more help too, as well as being able to adventure out and see more of the festival.
Well done everyone, for helping Ryan.

Well done Ryan, on being there and promoting what you do.


Gear up for the second annual Rocky Mountain RepRap Festival! Returning to Loveland, Colorado, on April 20th and 21st, 2024, this year’s event is set to surpass all expectations. Now spanning an impressive 36,000 square feet, we’re hosting thrilling Death Races, TF Dragsters, and many more fascinating showcases of RepRap technology. Connect with fellow makers, engage with the latest 3D printing innovations, and celebrate our shared passion. Register soonTM (not open yet) and become part of the adventure.

@vicious1 maybe a new thread for 2024?


I’ll probably go again. My family enjoyed it this year. I enjoyed meeting some of the “characters” from this forum.


Rocky Mountain RepRap Festival 2024 Done

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