Robot toddler costume

My wife and I made this. The MPCNC cut the front panel out of 1/4" plywood.

Happy halloween!

video in action

I haven’t used the CNC in a while, so it was a nice opportunity to kick start it again. The DXF files and STL files will be available somewhere, either posted here or on a TV page, but it’s on my other computer.


That has to be the best robot costume ever. It actually makes noise and not a single dryer hose, cardboard box, or piece of aluminum foil!

Nice team effort!

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Thank you. Here is another video. I like this one better:

That was a perfect video. Just like must of us makers here. Always complaining about something until you plug it in and the LED’s come one then we forget about the world for a few minutes and just wanna push some buttons.

My kids are no longer toddling. I have no idea where these files are. But I still have this panel kicking around. What should I do with it? It has wifi bc I used an esp8266. I was thinking of making another one and putting them on the walls in the kid rooms. Then they could push buttons and I could make them sync up or speak to each other.

I found a file that had something to do with this project as the first file in my onshape history. What was I even using before that? Sketchup maybe? Librecad? But not for 3D…

OK. I found the files… They are skb sketchup files. Darn.