I second that!
Looks like a nice table.
I would use apple wood if your going to be roasting it tho.
IIRC, hollow-core doors are often 3mm ply faces with strips of corrugated cardboard stuffed in between with wooden edges, and they are surprisingly rigid on the whole. Sure, you can punch through them quite easily, and their resistance to point forces are weak, but overall, even with the randomness of the ribbing, the strength of having it glued to the faces stiffens the whole quite a bit. If you use 3mm ply all around, and actually have structured ribbing, it becomes even more rigid. The more ribs you use, the more it can resist those point forces, and the stronger it is to penetration. And, of course, there’s the issues of vibration and resonance that comes from a lightweight table vs. a freaking slab of cast iron (or granite)…
Definitely, It seams to matter more when I’m using a full sheet that already had lots of cuts. Easier to just secure the sheet and the area that I’m going to cut with screws. I’ve printed some clips that screw down also, but if I can I just prefer to screw it down. Of coarse this is all wood. I would have to use clips for metal
I have some thin plywood scraps that are cut in the shape of “corners” — when I cut aluminum recently, I used two those on opposing corners to lock the 1/4" sheet of aluminum in position, and used some screws around the edges, to additionally insure no position change, plus with their heads barely holding down the top, made sure no upwards movement. Worked great. I published a video on it, and you might be able to see the hold down approach in it.
Plus, once some screw holes get drilled in the parts, adding hold down screws to those holes, means no tabs are needed. Totally easy as far as post processing.
Yeah, I did the same thing with some outlet covers I’m trying to make with 2 sided cuts. I haven’t cut any metals yet on the cnc., but just figure it to be a pain to and wasteful to screw down metal.
I need to find a good source of metal and I’ll start with aluminum. I want to upgrade the machine in time or redesign my own is more like it, but I’ll do upgrades first. Iv’e watched most of your videos, probably early on so I’ll revisit them. How do you like the Jackpot now that you been using it for awhile ?
I love all the options that it makes available. I love that the setup / changes are so much easier than it used to be on the SKR. And pricewise you just can’t beat it.