Request for ZenXY working yaml file

Hi all, I have built my ZenXY machine and purchased a Bart Dring TM Pen Laser V2.0 from one of our forum members, it is the old version. I have loaded Fluidnc and have got my machine moving, but not correctly, the only yaml file I can get to make the motors to move is TMC2209_pen.yaml. This is moving both the X and Y axis diagonally, meaning that only one motor is driving at a time instead of both motors clockwise for X axis and clockwise and anticlockwise for Y axis movement. Could I ask if one of the forum members could post a working TMC2209 yaml file. Please don’t think I’m asking for any easy fix, I’ve spent many many hours trying to work this out, I must have loaded and erased my ESP32 50 times, now in desperation I’m asking for help. I have an MPCNC and a Lowrider3 but this ZenXY has got the better of me.

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No worries. We aren’t the shaming kind of forum here.

I think what you are missing is:


I have a working yaml file on my zenxy I brought to Rocky-MRRF. But I’m not sure I have the same board.

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Ok so, that is the stuff right there, that wall plotter. My crazy mind says i need that, but damn it i cannot afford anything!!!

Pretty sure @jeffeb3 nailed it. I think I have the same board, but the one “in service” is still on GRBL-ESP32 and the other one isn’t running yet, though it is configured with FluidNC.

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I have one I just completed. I had to read and study the entire wiki, but am now sold on this. Ill post a build shortly, but I got it to home x and y with a little modification. My bed is 400 x 1000, so youll have to adjust for that.

Keepnin mind, this is only for the pen fluid nc 2209 board.

Since you have to pull off the y home forst, the tab on the x home tab thing is too short. I didnt wanna reprint it, so i hot glued on a piece of paper the correct size. It works.

name: "TMC2209 XY Zen Table"
board: "FluidNC Pen/Laser 2209"

  engine: RMT
  idle_ms: 255
  dir_delay_us: 1
  pulse_us: 2
  disable_delay_us: 0

  txd_pin: gpio.17
  rxd_pin: gpio.16
  rts_pin: NO_PIN
  cts_pin: NO_PIN
  baud: 115200
  mode: 8N1

  shared_stepper_disable_pin: gpio.13:high
    steps_per_mm: 100
    max_rate_mm_per_min: 2000
    acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 25
    max_travel_mm: 1000
    soft_limits: true
      cycle: 2
      positive_direction: false
      mpos_mm: 28
      feed_mm_per_min: 200.000
      seek_mm_per_min: 500.000
      settle_ms: 500
      limit_neg_pin: gpio.39:
      #Diag pin is gpio.34
        uart_num: 1
        addr: 0
        r_sense_ohms: 0.110
        run_amps: 0.500
        hold_amps: 0.250
        microsteps: 16
        stallguard: 0
        stallguard_debug: false
        toff_disable: 0
        toff_stealthchop: 5
        toff_coolstep: 3
        run_mode: StealthChop
        homing_mode: StealthChop
        use_enable: false
        direction_pin: gpio.12
        step_pin: gpio.14
        disable_pin: NO_PIN

    steps_per_mm: 100
    max_rate_mm_per_min: 2000
    acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 25
    max_travel_mm: 400
    soft_limits: true
      cycle: 1
      positive_direction: false
      mpos_mm: 18.5
      feed_mm_per_min: 200.000
      seek_mm_per_min: 500.000
      settle_ms: 500

      limit_neg_pin: gpio.36:
      #diag pin is gpio.35
        uart_num: 1
        addr: 1
        r_sense_ohms: 0.110
        run_amps: 0.500
        hold_amps: 0.250
        microsteps: 16
        stallguard: 0
        stallguard_debug: false
        toff_disable: 0
        toff_stealthchop: 5
        toff_coolstep: 3
        run_mode: StealthChop
        homing_mode: StealthChop
        use_enable: false
        direction_pin: gpio.26
        step_pin: gpio.25
        disable_pin: NO_PIN

    steps_per_mm: 320.000
    max_rate_mm_per_min: 1000.000
    acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 25.000
    max_travel_mm: 200.000
    soft_limits: false
  miso_pin: gpio.19
  mosi_pin: gpio.23
  sck_pin: gpio.18

  cs_pin: gpio.5
  card_detect_pin: NO_PIN

  must_home: false

Thank you Ted, I’ll try that this weekend.

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Thank you all, Jeff ,Dan and Ted, Kinematics: corexy was the missing piece. Have spent the weekend in awe at that belt. I did find that the homing tabs where a bit short so glued cardboard extensions on, this prevented clashing with wiring to optical endstops. Thanks again, now to build a table.