Raspberry P5 4Gb in stock at Pishop.us

They must have quite a few. I bit the bullet & ordered one yesterday with a case with fan & 27w PS & was surprised they are still in stock today. I also ordered a pi zero 2 W & Pi Pico WH. Not sure what I will do with the Pico but seems like an interesting board.

Here is the link to raspberry pi locator to show where all the different pi’s are in stock in case anyone is interested.
rpilocator - Find Raspberry Pi Computers in Stock


Supply of the Pi 5 seems to be pretty good. I’ve managed to get one from SparkFun, and one from Digikey. The rpilocator page is a great resource. I’ve also ordered zero 2 W, and CM4 boards in the last month. Supply is holding.

There’s also a bunch of new accessories. I really like the Argon40 NE0 5 metal case. I found one locally, they may be in places that carry argon porducts (I found one at Microcenter).

Consider subscribing for Adafruit stock notifications. Adafruit’s 2 factor sigin-in and purchase limit restrictions raises the bar for scalpers enough that I managed to get Pi 5 and Zero 2 W ~month ago.

I usually order from Adafruit, but the times I looked, they never had the Zero 2 W in stock. I seem to recall adding my email address to their notification list over a year ago but was never notified. With the shortage, it is understandable. It is just as well, as ordering just the Zero 2 W by itself would not have been worth the shipping charge.

Canakit.com has the Pi Zero 2W in stock, as well as several other models of Raspberry Pi.

It is definitely interesting. I have wanted to try circuitpython with it. My big gripe is they should have used a different name. Now you can’t say, “works with and pi”. Because the pico is totally different.

I will have to look into that now that I know python a little bit.

Looks like I will need the new bookworm nightly build to get octoprint to work with it. 2023-12-05_2023-10-10-octopi-bookworm-arm64-lite-1.1.0.zip is what others said they got to work, but I will try a later version also since those messages were earlier this month. Index of /Distros/OctoPi/nightly-arm64 (unofficialpi.org)

I can’t find any info on what displays will work with it. I am looking for a 5" active display to work with it using this build as a starting point for a camera. Touch Cam - a Raspberry Pi Camera : 26 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
I might just have to wait a little while to see what becomes available for this.

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