Random Circles in designs

I have a MPCNC running the latest Firmware from V1 and the latest version of EstlCAM (11.245). I had a project running and it seems to make some incorrect moves. I am wondering if anyone has seen this happen? or what I should do to prevent it from happening?
I have attached the generated Gcode and images.
B N B-Kyle Fixed.gcode (402.1 KB)

ncviewer shows the gcode as correct, but those look like erroneous G02 or G03 commands.

Maybe the serial communication is having corruption issues or the gcode file is corrupted on SD?

What gcode sender are you using? PC? V1pi? Print from SD?

If in doubt, check your grubscrews…

I’m using octoprint to send commands. It’s strange it did the profile 8 layers and only 2 of the layers did the circle. So it’s not like it happens every layer.

The grub screws are fine I checked everything else. I did another design and it cut fine. This seems like a glitch in the gcode or octoprint maybr

Well I regenerated the gcode and ran it again with no issues. I’ll have to keep an eye on it to make sure there’s no weird bugs