Quiet spindle vs. DeWalt 660?

Barry’d it? I haven’t done that yet. But my waste board is a close second.


Yea, that was kinda scary.

[attachment file=103511]


Oh crap!

All physical evidence of my mistakes disperse into the fireplace But I have done that also Barry while I was standing right there trying to shut it down very scary. Also I broke the x right foot and Z motor mount at the same time

This would get you close. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1772756

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Hi Tom,

Very interesting. Thanks so much.

If someone could redraw that for MPCNC Burly, you will be all set. More power will mean more stress on the gantry.

Ryan has designed a truly great machine, to be affordable to build with readily available parts. I have read many posts on, why did you do this, or it won’t do that. If you want it to perform like a $10,000 machine, go buy a $10,000 machine. And if your “feelings” are hurt, put your big boy panties on, and move on. ( jmy 2¢)

First set of brushes DW660 done. Bought new ones here.Carbon Brush for DeWalt (8 Pack)

[attachment file=103805]

Maybe a new gallery for the “Oh crap!” moments, just so people don’t feel alone in their trials. This is what wiring issues look like in the Y and Z axis. I didn’t have a fire, but it melted the plastic collet into the wood grain.

[attachment file=103806]

Too bad the spindle can’t be recessed back into the gantry more. Maybe widening the gantry and using two stepper motors and threaded bolts. That would allow a heavier spindle, higher Zed, and better stability. Just my thought. The two stepper motors be run from the single wire harness like X and Y.

Just my two cents worth. It doesn’t seem like a big modification overall.

I don’t think any of that is necessary. The 611 would probably work fine, as you have gravity on your side. If you want a rock solid machine, find some one to mill all the printed parts out of billet aluminum. It should be possible to load the STL files and have them milled. Use 1/8 wall stainless tubing or solid round stock. But, affordable/ready available, just went out the window.

I would like to see a mod for removing the locking collar from the DW660. That would give an extra 3/4" to 1" plunge depth. But whoever makes such a thing would assume all liability forever. It can’t be made idiot proof, cause there is always a better idiot.

If only. That would be awesome. Aluminum billet parts would improve a lot but it’s more expensive to get those made. People can’t print their own parts though. I have a 3D printer and didn’t print my parts either. It was acting up. My brother in law runs a machine shop, I might get him to make some parts for me and see what it costs for the MPCNC and Lowrider. Stay tuned for more.

Once you start talking aluminum parts, you may as well get a bigger machine. You’re getting out of scope of what these guys were designed for. Also, I’d really hate to see the bill for the burly parts milled out of aluminum. That’s not going to be cheap! Without wire edm, I don’t think it can be milled. You won’t be able to mill the bearing channels, so you either broach them first, then mill out the center section, or just edm the shape. Either way, $$$$!

And there’s that.

Not that you need more reasons, but the plastic needs to deform a bit to hold the bearings snug against the rails.

Aluminum parts would probably end up squeezing the rails really hard, if you can even get the rails in at all.

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Last time I put “serious” money into a hobby is shown in my avatar (42% scale Edge 540)… then I got divorced, the lawyer bought it off me… cheap. I’m hoping my addiction to Ryan’s creation doesn’t follow the same route because I’m dreaming of BIGGER AND MOAR POWER!!! Yeah baby!


Amen brother. I’m with you on that. I’m trying to find things I can make and sell so my wife gets off my tailfeathers about my “new machine”. Anything would work. No peace until I do. She said "That money could have been used for your daughter’s wedding. " I said “Nope. It’s for my making things. I can even sell stuff.” Yup, I’m screwed.


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Mike carve something for your wife, something nice. It slows the comments to a dull roar.

Find some little things to carve and give away. “Word of mouth” is what starts a small business.

For making these parts, roll back your machinery options 40-50 years. Several decades back, I sent a lot of time in an old machinist’s shop. Mostly being a pest, I cleaned his shop as a teenager, for knowledge. I have no doubt, that could make these parts. They might not be as pretty, but they would have been rifle accurate.

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That’s what I’m going to do. Thinking of making some whirligigs. I have some plans for beautiful jewelry boxes too. I have to modify the plans for it first.

Funny you say that. I was raised in a welding shop. The man my mom worked for let me clean shop and taught me to braze, weld and other neat stuff.

I’ve done weddings both ways now. It’s sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much easier to elope, then have a big party afterwards. The wedding I’ve found out, is really for the mother.

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Not sure if after such a long time you’re still around… but I’m curious what spindle you got? I’m trying to reduce noise where I can in planning for the MPCNC

I asked Barry the same thing a while back, and he said he had gotten it from inventible but he’s since switched back to the DW660 because this spindle sticks too far down, which causes chatter.

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