Quick estlcam tool change question

I’m experimenting with tool changes today, but my wife made me sick so im doing it from my desk instead of my machine.

During a tool change in estlcam is it supposed to probe z to the original material height or is it supposed to probe to the new material thicknesses, that is where I’ve already cut?

When I did my tool change setup I made the z-probe part of the process, in my tool change g-code. I have a different tool that is most likely a different length. I wanted that to be a know item and not assumed from anything in the past. I also made it do a home process on all axis after the change, but before the Z-probe. In this way I am, hopefully, back in the same position as the start of the program if I moved the router in some way during the tool change.

Tool change is covered here as well. For Estlcam, Milling Basics - V1 Engineering Documentation