Prusa I3 Mk3 Frame (ish)

I have some modified mk3 frames in the works. But at the same time was bored and cut one out from existing files. Even though I have better printers I still enjoy the open nature of i3 printers that leave everything out in the open to prod at. I made a separate extruder assembly to print in 3mm filaments and since then came across most of the parts, so will be making a complete printer. I think.
Also mk4 only has one motion system upgrade, that’s the 10 mm Z axis rods. So I think I will be making a klipper build to see if it improves the input shaper graphs.


Ignore the missing holes and also ignore the holes that I did as parts instead of hole :smiley: I was frustrated with my day and just did this on my crappy CNC computer that doesn’t have a mouse and missed a few features :smiley:

Heck yeah, that is a big cut in metal. What machine did you use?

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Sorry to be boring but this is ACM again. Will be epoxying three sheets together and maybe bar steel for some mass at the back… I’ll update some more build pics soon.