Prusa Core One

I don’t think I’ll tell my wife about this - she’ll only want me to get one.


Man, there goes Josef again, dropping that tight shit without a big fuss… So, basically I am better off buying that one instead of the enclosure with light, filtration etc. for 500€… Maybe the next version after I will have paid off my table saw. :smiley:

I’d really love to see pictures of it with the MMU3 connected. Also, I like the camera via USB, the MK4 has got a USB port as well that is unused as of now.

/edit: Should have read the blog:

we will continue manufacturing and supporting the MK4S with firmware updates and even additional accessories, such as a USB-C camera for print monitoring

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It looks super polished and a very well developed package. Can you fit five spools and the buffer on the roof? The opposition can - so It might just work.

Now to sit back and wait for ten months delivery!

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F… Yeah… Cheaper than the enclosure… Upgrade here I come! :smiley:



There is a picture though. I am, again, hyped. :smiley:


March, means it should arrive by the time I get home next year in November! :rofl: :rofl:

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This is an impressive machine. I was amazed to hear him say they will offer an upgrade kit for converting the MK4s into the Core One.

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Considering that a majority of the hardware changes and an enclosure is the same price, it’s a great deal. If I was to add another printer to my collection (and I am seriously debating that), a complete one for 1k is also fine. :slight_smile:

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Yes, and then when you start to look at the detail, it’s really quite slick. The steel enclosure/exoskeleton and a bit of hardware is really the difference… Prusa years are like dog years in reverse - so I expect “March” means November!


The timing is off for me, but I can probably save enough by buying an MMU equipped Core One rather than an XL, to fly to the factory and pick it up! :smiley:

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You can collect it from my place. Just order it under my name… :stuck_out_tongue:

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The heated bed, extruder, electronics (mostly) are the same from the mk4s, right? So the upgrade kit is almost all mechanical stuff.

Great printer option. I think they really took the feedback to heart and this will decide how well they can compete with BL.

Printables used to really push for adding gcode with your model. I bet they regret that now that they have such a wild variety of printers.


Yep, a linear rail, some bolts and a longer belt (more or less). Looks as though my dear old IKEA Lack enclosure is facing redundancy!


I posted the link last night well after bed time, and the blog hadn’t been posted then - reading it now and a lot of things look really well developed - even if every sentence is aimed directly at the heart of every Chinese manufacturer! (that’s Showbiz I guess).

A fully enclosed 3D printer – with a twist!

An unfortunate headline given the gantry is cut from a single piece of steel so it can’t be out of square or misaligned!

Now, the important thing here is that the CORE One is designed to live alongside the MK4S, it’s not supposed to be its successor and we will continue manufacturing and supporting the MK4S with firmware updates and even additional accessories, such as a USB-C camera for print monitoring. If you mainly print with PLA and PETG, an open-frame printer is an excellent choice (I’ll get to the how and why in a minute)

But no one will read that!

Our code is open source, so you can always make an independent audit and check that we aren’t cheating or stealing your files, even when you’re not connected to the internet. You can sleep soundly, knowing that the product you work on won’t show up on Temu all of a sudden. :wink:



As a non prusa user, I wonder if this will allow for full skew correction??? If so then I might put it on my radar as an upgrade if business continues to progress. I like the bambu printers but not being able to dial in the skew really bothers me lol

There is no skew on a Prusa! :rofl: :rofl: (Just ask @Tokoloshe about his Mini :woozy_face: )

Seriously though, someone will correct me if I’m wrong. The Mk3 had some room for assembly error and had a self test, which calculated the error, and built in compensation.

I think the same applies to the Mk4 - you may have noticed that one of the big selling points is accuracy and print quality.

Here’s TechRadar’s review - MK4s and XL. I seriously don’t know what those numbers mean in terms of the accuracy you are chasing, but I don’t feel the need for a Calilantern for my own prints.

Given the construction of the Core One - there aren’t too many moving parts in the structure - it should be incredibly stiff and accurate. (that’s just a hopeful fan-boy speaking though.)


I get what you are saying. But I know how much of a difference the calilantern made in my personal printers. And after seeing several forum post with results from the bambu printers I was less than impressed. And the fact that you cant fix it made the bambu and no go for me. I am printing and selling parts with Ryans name on them. I want them to be as absolutely straight and correct as I can possibly get them. Not because Ryan has made it a requirement for me, but because I have made that a requirement for myself. So if it’s not something that I can run a calilantern on and make adjustments if needed, it won’t be getting my money. I don’t mean to come across rudely with that at all, it’s just how I feel about it.

I sent an email to bambu asking if they had an ETA for when skew correction would be available on the P1S or X1C printers, and their reply a week later told me they don’t know if it will ever be available and that I should wait for their new (more expensive) printer thats coming out first of next year. My reply to them was I don’t need to spend more money on a printer to get something that is available on a $99 ender 3. They need to enable it in their firmware.


I get that and I don’t know the answer - I have just read the tech radar review of the Mk4s in full and it echoes my experience. Unfortunately such is the tribal mentality of the 3d printing space that it seems like one is “picking a side” if one shares glowing reports!

Why not send a message to Prusa Support?

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I didn’t know anything about this printer before today and just have not had a chance. I was hoping some of you experience prusa folk might already know the answer :rofl:

I am by no means trying to talk bad about prusa by any means. I know many have them and LOVE them. I get it completely. I am very interested in this new one, but I am not at the point of pulling the trigger any time soon so I have time to get an answer. I just asked here because I was thinking about it lol


Well that’s me off social media for a while - there are so many corporate experts out there - “too little too late”, “they are the next HP or Blackberry”, blah blah blah.

Then there are the financial experts, “too expensive”, “not enough features”, “too many features -m just make it cheaper”.

“Maybe they’ll get some of their market share back”.

I can’t be certain, but with over a thousand staff I am not sure that market share is a core problem.

Bugger! I think I’ve just joined them! :frowning:

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Gotta generate those clicks. :sweat_smile: