The endstop issue was/is a hardware issue with the SKR Pro boards, it should not require a change in firmware. the announcement there is that the boards purchased after 10/2023 would have updated hardware and the weak end stop problem should not be happening to those any more, but it would not affect boards older than that.
That said, the actual circuit design that allowed the weak end stops to happen is unchanged, and it is possible that some issues could cause it to present again.
There were some issues with the TFT firmware, but AFAIK, the 03/2023 addressed this and it is working well.
Thanks for information. I will try TFT firmware update. I observed issue with endstop only while working with Merlin firmware (which I started to use because of other issues with TFT). If endstop issue will occure while using updated TFT, I will use external resistor solution.
Thanks for your response. Happy Easter!
I performed the soldering of the resistors to my endstop pins hack. Was it kind of a pain? Yep. Did I still have issues? Nope! Jumpered Vcc to Signal on all the endstop connections.
The other thing that I did was pulled off the jst connectors plastic on the board. It appears that the connection is so much better (not loose in my case) when I plug in the endstop wires. This also probably was a reason I was having the motors not stopping when homing.