@ak47ok47 - Welcome to the Forum. As mentioned by @SupraGuy , it is always better to start a new thread (they’re free and easy to do), rather than resurrecting a months old thread. Even if symptoms seem the same, your issue may be somewhat different than is discussed in the older thread.
I’ll try to assist here
Note that the switches only work during a Homing operation. They do not prevent Move operations.
More info required:
- Can you move all three axis correctly using the Move commands?
- Where is the gantry/core when you start the homing? (Middle of the travel, or near the switches ?)
- What are the LEDs showing before you press the Home button?
- What happens to the LEDs after you press the Home button (when the axis “moves for a second”)
- Are you testing homing on each axis individually, or are you pressing the Home button to test all three at once? (Better to try to home each axis individually)
- Try testing each endstop individually using M119 commands. Run the command before pressing the switch, and then again while pressing and holding the switch. Ensure that the correct switch is asserted (for example, when you press X, make sure that Z1 isn’t asserted) What are the results?
The behavior that you describe (X moves first, then Y, then Z) seems odd - I don’t have my machine set up right now to test, but I thought that it would do Z first, then X, then Y. Again, do a manual Move command first (from the middle of the travel position) to verify that all axis are wired correctly .
When you say that the X and Y axis move positive for a few mm after a Home command, then stop, that sounds like what would happen if the endstops are always asserted. The controller thinks that the gantry/core is already at the home position, so it “backs off” and then it still thinks it is at the home position, so doesn’t move closer.
All in all, I think that you may have some of the endstops miswired, rather than the resistor issue described below.
That would be helpful. Please include the status of the LEDs and the results of the M119 commands.
There is an issue where some SKR boards do not properly respond to the endstop being asserted. Search the forum using combinations of SKR M119 endstop (or end stop) resistor pigtail
The issue may be intermittent, but to test, assert the endstops (one at a time) and do a M119 command. If the corresponding LED comes on, but the M119 command does not show triggered, then you probably need to add resistors (solder to board, or add a pigtail - the latter is better IMO).
If the LED is on all the time, and M119 shows triggered all the time, then you have an open circuit (check wiring).
But let’s get the issue diagnosed a bit better before you go down that road…