Probe responds but I can't get Z to move until it touches it

Hello everyone, I tried to solve it by searching the forum but I couldn’t find the solution. I’m in the final stage of transforming from LR2 to LR4 and I can’t get it to go down in Z to touch my probe. As I show in the first photo, if I make contact with the probe on the tool, the status tells me that the probe is working correctly. If I press “start probe” it does nothing. And it doesn’t do anything if I run the lines of code either. (with G38.2 …)
I have the jackpot with fluidnc and the probe from brian’s store. Never modify any file.

Ok, with G38.2 i can do it. Only the “start probe” button Is not working. Maybe I can do dome macro for the probe.

I use a probe script as a macro. I know there are places built into the webUI and FluidDial UI for probing, but for some reason I have always gravitated toward my own script.

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If you put the start gcode in from the milling basics page then you don’t need a macro or a script. This is how most of us do it. You can use the same start gcode with other programs if you you are not using estlcam. I use it in a different one that I am doing a beta for.


This was the first thing I tried. For some reason it didn’t work, I didn’t start investigating why. Just put G38.2 Z-100 F200 and get it to touch the probe. The only thing I would like is for the movement and home controls of the axes to work on my iPad Air 2. The “controls” tab doesn’t work. I am not using captive mode, the iPad is updated and I tried different browsers. I haven’t found anyone with that problem on the forum so far.
It works perfectly with my Motorola with Android and with an old iPhone 5, but if I can use the tablet it would be ideal. I’ll keep looking and if not I’ll open another thread. Thank you so much!!!

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Are the Z endstops triggered?